
  1. jidanni

    Don't want to publish any state secrets

    Let's say you are the owner of scanning website in the Republic of Nurdvania, and you want to make sure you don't publish any government secrets, and someone passes you this list, 1 151.587.500 MHz 14656413 T7 C13 2 154.487.500 MHz 14564613 T2 C5 3 152.212.500 MHz 14644413 T7 C2 4 151.725.000...
  2. WX9RLT

    Interesting Frequencies You Found?

    Figured I would make a post and see what others have found. What frequencies (Freq. and area) have you found interesting stuff on? Police, fire, medical, special ops, events, etc.... Let's make this a fun and informative thread!!!