sonoma county

  1. C

    Sonoma County Fire Dispatch Tone-outs

    Hello. First time posting here and I am not that educated on everything yet. I’ve been monitoring local departments for a few years now but recently I got more involved with the purchase of an HPII instead of only relying on my 536HP which is mounted in my car. I have a question regarding...
  2. kg6nlw

    Unknown Frequency - Not in FCC Database locally

    I have stumbled across a frequency that is pretty strong in Cloverdale, Northern Sonoma County, San Francisco Bay, California. It is 451.89375Mhz and the FMP prompt shows that it is an NXDN48 system as seen by the copied line below. I have tried searching for System 479/L-479 in the RRDB with no...
  3. V

    SDR for NXDN/Brodcast

    I have a SDR that I would like to use to broadcast a system that is NXDN. I have yet to find a way to decrypt NXDN and broadcast it to the internet. Does anyone have any suggestions? Also if you know, can I have more then one feed broadcasting from the same computer at the sometime?
  4. V

    SMART Train NXDN

    Good afternoon. I'm tying to listen to SMART Train Communications. According to Radio Reference it is NXDN. I think I'm listing to a control channel and that is is NXDN 48 - Correct me if you think differently. Sample of what I'm talking about...
  5. V

    Sonoma Co victor 6

    Hi, I was wondering what is the frequency for victor 6 tone 5 in Sonoma County?? They are useing it for communications at the race.
  6. V

    Sonoma County victor 6

    Hi, I was wondering what is the frequency for victor 6 tone 5 in Sonoma County?? They are useing it for communications at the race.
  7. V

    Sonoma County REDCOM (Zones)

    I always here the control channels 2,3,4. But when I look up the frequencies on Radio Reference it says: 155.26500 WSX402 RM 123.0 PL Control 2 Control 2 (Zones 4/5/6/8) 154.14500 KME300 RM 146.2 PL Control 3 Control 3 (Zone 7) 154.17500 KBF851 RM 156.7 PL Control 4 Control 4 (Zone 3/9)...
  8. N

    new Rohnert Park CASINO

    just opened and already full of gambling zombies the traffic was a mess... I heard they have facial recognition of anybody entering as well as a bunch of other high dollar more or less typical advanced features... so what's the deal with rf comms ? freqs ? anything in the clear ? wireless...
  9. H

    MEDCOM in Santa Rosa

    Hello... I live in Sonoma County and monitor the MedCom (dispatch) channel. I know that the SR Fire Dept. talks to MedCom on 154.310. But what frequency does the Sonoma Life Support (ambulance) use to communicate with Medcom? Thanks for any info.