
  1. M

    Radio transmission from LEO

    Hello, my team and I are launching a cube sat into space. We are fairly new to radio and are not sure what radio transmitters or receivers to use. We would need to transmit to a distance of about 251 miles, we can have a fairly large ground station, but the transmitter and receiver would need to...
  2. WX9RLT

    FTM-400 & The ISS

    Does anyone know how to set up the FTM-400 so we can do packets with the ISS? In depth tutorial would be awesome :) We have searched the net with no results :(
  3. KJ4TDM

    "Space Fence"?

    Does anyone still monitor the any of the space radars? I found some info online today about how to listen to them but its old info, dont now if its still good.
  4. devildogusmc4

    Frequencies for Pittsburgh

    Hi I didn't know if there was any frequencies for the Pittsburgh area on this or not. Thank You!