My employer's ambulances use the VX-454 VHF (brand new) for communication when outside the vehicle.
I personally purchased a MH-360S and a couple of MH-45B4B speaker microphones for use with these radios, and they do not work, specifically, they broadcast dead air when the PTT button on them or...
I've tried the PMMN4025 and PMMN4050 remote speaker microphones. When transmitting, the individuals listening state that I am clear and understandable. However, some individuals are annoyed and stated that it sounds like my voice is muffled a bit and/or sounds like I'm in a tunnel. Anyone...
Does anyone know anywhere I can buy a "Shoulder Mic" for a Vertex VX-150 Radio. I work for a Public Safety Department at a College. I need a "Shoulder Mic" to be able to perform easy.
Thank You