
  1. D

    SDR# Spyserver - Two feeds - One Raspberry Pi.

    I have my Airspy R2 connected to a Raspberry Pi 3b with Spyserver installed located in an outbuilding. I have now bought a Discovery HF+ that I wish to connect to the Pi along with the R2. I am having difficultly finding easy to follow instructions (written or video) how to achieve this. If...
  2. Y

    spyserver cant go lower than 24mhz rtl sdr v4

    I made an spyserver but i have a problem that the minimal frequency is 24 mhz even if the rtl sdr v4 can go lower without direct sampling i think the problem is that it doesnt allow to go lower because rtl sdr v3 cant go lower without direct sampling
  3. R

    Can a Pi enable me to do this remotely?

    Hi Team. Looking for your suggestions on how to accomplish something, if it is even possible! I would like to run a Pi at my cousin's house where the reception is much better than at mine. With 3 or 4 SDRs installed on the Pi (could be a mix of Airspy units, RTL-SDR v3),I would want to be...