
  1. dadandmemake2

    If you are from Canada then please say "I"

    Every time I see like a free scanner for sale I click on it and it's from the USA and I can't get it. So I want to round up and see who is from Canada like me. So please if it's fine with you then please tell me where in Canada you are from. :) Now I'm not sure if this is the right area to...
  2. SpectralContent

    Kenwood NX-3720 wanted

    Looking for a new or used NX-3720. Message me if you have one you would like to sell/trade! Email: Thanks
  3. P

    Baofeng BF-888s

    Purchased the Baofeng BF-888S and can't find much information on the frequencies that the radio came programed with, this was purchased through Amazon and I really would like to know if these radios are license free with the programming that came in them and can be used in the U.S.
  4. H

    System Wide Reports - TETRA

    Is there any reason why "TETRA" is not an option for the nationwide trunked system reports? I could be doing something wrong, but I curious to see all the TETRA systems in use in the United States and there was no easy way to do it. Thanks in advance!
  5. 1

    Sidney, MT

    Looking for good frequencies for the popo in Sidney, MT. The ones listed are NOT the current ones they are using!