
  1. T

    VRS-EP tranceiver Issues

    Good evening, thank you to all in advance for your assistance in this matter. I had ordered a VRS-EP (P2017A and P2017B) UHF repeater from someone on ebay, opened it up and discovered no transceiver on the YLE4009B board. So, I get my money back, order another and sure enough....no transceiver...
  2. H

    RTL-1090 file missing rtlsdr.dll

    I already had my dongle installed and working with sdrsharp program and decided to look at setting up for aircraft tracking-mapping-listening to. I needed two additional things: Virtual Radar Server and RTL-1090 program. I downloaded Virtual Radar Server with no issues but when I downloaded...
  3. M

    ADSBexchange.com - Live Aircraft Tracking Map

    ADSBexchange.com Nice way to share the ADS-B data. Displaying ADS-B , MLAT on the map and Mode-S aircraft. http://adsbexchange.com/VirtualRadar/desktop.html https://discussions.flightaware.com/ads-b-flight-tracking-f21/co-op-of-feeders-t36113.html :cool:
  4. M

    VRS Russia Network - Custom Server for Mode-S Receivers and VRS Feeders

    With the events in Russia and Ukraine, Good time to post this, and Watch the Air Traffic in Russia. About server VRS Russia VRS Russia Network - an open public server for data output from any signal receiver Mode-S through any specialized program data. You can use a simple dongle on RTL2832U...
  5. T

    Motorola Astro Spectra (High Power) and Vehicle Repeater

    Hello, My agency has been experiencing terrible radio service in our county. We have one repeater site that covers 486 square miles of hilly terrain. Our cruisers are equipped with 50 watt Vertex radios that are underpowered. In response to this, I recently purchased some refurbished...
  6. KK4LQX

    Combining VRS and Siren/PA

    Hello All, I have read on numerous forms and sites that it is possible to combine a VRS and Siren/PA box. The thing I cannot find is any proof or documentation on how to do it? I am very interested in doing this but would like to have a preview of what is involved. I have recently...