yaesu ftm-400xdr

  1. K3VDM

    Yaesu FTM-400XDR Install - 2019 F150

    Installed a Yaesu FTM-400XDR in my 2019 Ford F150 a few weeks ago. I used a solenoid which is tied to an ignition fuse in the truck. The fuse block powers on and off with the truck. The antenna is a Diamond NR770HBNMO mounted on the front driver fender. The dash mount and behind rear seat mount...
  2. A

    Yaesu: How do I set freq to 155.2725 Mhz?

    It's for my Yaesu FTM-400XDR. When setting the freq using the F/MW key, I can enter each digit (xxx.xxx), but can't enter the 0.5 Khz digit (xxx.xxxN; N = no, can't set). Also, for the 1 Khz digit, I can enter any value, but then it changes to 0 or 5. E.g., set to 155.272, but it changes to...