

    Tarrant County Texas, Talk group with no Alias

    How does anyone even find out the talk group aliases for any trunked systems? Because I am curious. Anyway, can you figure out what the alias should be for this unlabeled 7106 APCO-25 talk group on the Arlington city control, in Tarrant County, Texas. On the NTIRN system. It has no alias, and I...
  2. WX9RLT

    Did The Scanner Guys, Not Have A Show on Wednesday? (Fall Prep)

    Did The Scanner Guys, Not Have A Show on Wednesday? (Fall Prep) I went to watch their "Fall Prep" video, from Wednesday night The Scanner Guys LIVE: Fall Scanner Prep 2022 Wednesday September 8 And it is not showing. Anyone have the link to Wednesday nights show? (Fall Prep)
  3. M

    Best antenna for railfanning in your opinion?

    Hi railfans what's up? I am not as much of a amateur at using a scanner for railfanning like I used to but I have been railfanning the old fashioned way for a while. timetables, listening out for horns and keeping an eye out on signals or headlight to ideally know when a train would show up. I...
  4. R

    Re-streaming radio to youtube using a VPS

    I have a question related to streaming radio to youtube. Is there an option to make a VPS re-stream audio from Shoutcast/Icecast, accompanied by a static image?
  5. B

    Video intro to receiving HF with Software Defined Radio

    Hi folks, I'd like to share this video I recently put together that demonstrates how one can use Software Defined Radio to receive HF. I analyse a number of interesting/unusual signals (e.g. STANAG, DRM, OTH RADAR) by putting them through various pieces of software (e.g. HDSDR, GNU Radio...
  6. chad3405

    Recording Fire Audio / Legal advice

    I a member of a small Vol. fire dept. recently I have been using Audacity 1.3 to record our calls using a head phone jack in a Motorola Minitor V pager and then playing it at our training reviews. It really seems to help the guys hear and learn from mistakes made. My question is if I took my...