1/4 Wave Ground Plane for Civil Air

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Radio Aficionado
Jun 28, 2005
FL - St. Johns Co.
Does anyone use a 1/4 ground plane tuned for the Civil Airband 118-136mhz??

I made one myself and was pleasantly surprised with the much improved reception over my Diamond RH77CA, especially since I simply had it attached to a broom inside my living room. But being homemade it is very flimsy and two of my radials have already fallen off and I'm tired of putting it back together.

Anyway, I was looking at the Centerfire Antenna website and emailed them not to long ago about a ground plane for the airband. They told me I can order the 2-meter ground plane and specify that I would like it tuned to a different frequency, in this case 127.000 mhz (the center freq of what I want to listen to). It's a great price, I think, for $19.95 plus shipping. But I guess I'm not completely convinced. :roll: Here's the link btw: http://www.centerfireantenna.com/vhf14.html

So back to my original question, has anyone purchased a ground plane cut for Civil air or even Milair?? Is it working out for you?? Is there a different base antenna that you are using for aircraft that you recommend?? F.Y.I. I have a PRO-97
Please let me know what you think...


Premium Subscriber
Mar 23, 2005

I've been waiting for someone to bring this up! I use a modified Antenna Specialists ground plane scanner antenna as follows: I simply replaced the whip/coil section that came with it with one made for transmit range of 136-174 and trimmed the 4 slanted radials a little shorter and this thing works like a dream on 2 meters and especially the aircraft range and even on the public saftey 155.000 frequencies, plus, I can transmit on the 2 meter ham freqs without a high SWR. Although I'm the guy who's always wanting something better so if anyone else uses something they'd recommend please post! (my antenna is about 27 feet off the ground & I'd like to get it about 10 to 15 feet higher so I can get Washington Center and hear both sides of the conversations) The antenna on that link u posted looks EXACTLY what I built!

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Radio Aficionado
Jun 28, 2005
FL - St. Johns Co.
Feels good...

murrayustud said:
The antenna on that link u posted looks EXACTLY what I built!
It's a great feeling of accomplishment, isn't it, to build something that actually works!!

From what I've diligently researched and from my limited personal experience, I've come to the conclusion that a ground plane whether homebrewed or professionally made is a great antenna choice for listening to the 118-136 Mhz Airband.
1) because of affordability and
2) it's great reception on it's target frequency.

I only wish I had the opportunity to really put it in the air. :roll:
All in good time though, all in good time....

See ya
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