10.5 HRS programming the 396

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Apr 20, 2004
Newport, Tennessee
Well after 10.5 hrs of planning the systems, typing them into the UASD program and downloading to the scanner, I have finally finished programming the scanner.
Now my eyes hurt. :lol:
I am liking this scanner though, looks like I am going to enjoy it a bunch.

And before you start, I know I could download from the database much easier, but then I would not know how to program the scanner by hand. I have always found it best to know how to do it by hand in case you have to do some 'field programming'. The programs are made to make it easier, not a substitute in my opinion.

I want to say thanks to all who have posted threads on this scanner, as I have been reading them for quite some time. You all are really the ones that made me choose it over others I had been looking into purchasing.
Also a special thanks to Paul, you guys have a good scanner and you always seem to be there when someone is in need of some insight on the scanners.

Take care all of you.


Mar 9, 2008
Cordova, TN
Nice work. :)

People always poo-poo that USAD Uniden scanner program but I like it. Once you get used to it, it seems consistent and reliable.

I also whole-heartedly agree about manually programming the scanner on your own. I personally always do the samwe; when I find a new talkgroup or freq, I type it in myself. I dunno, I guess I do it because I always have. Nice way to keep the old programming motions in check.

Good luck with the 396. Ihave a 996 but I am hoping to get a 396 soon.



Jan 4, 2003
los Angeles
It is always good to know how to program your radio in the field.
One of the great features of the 396 is the ability to search and store.
Another is when properly programmed the scanner tells you what you are listening to. I can easily remember scanners which did not have this feature. heck I even have a couple.
You made a good choice buying the 396 and then made another good choice by hand programming the unit. BTW I highly recommend that you download the FREE Butel clone software and "backup" the radio.
The continue to play and re program it and continue to play with the radio. You can't hurt it. If you back it up and continue to "fiddle" with it at least you will have an easy way to get back to where you are at right now.

n4yek said:
Well after 10.5 hrs of planning the systems, typing them into the UASD program and downloading to the scanner, I have finally finished programming the scanner.
Now my eyes hurt. :lol:
I am liking this scanner though, looks like I am going to enjoy it a bunch.

And before you start, I know I could download from the database much easier, but then I would not know how to program the scanner by hand. I have always found it best to know how to do it by hand in case you have to do some 'field programming'. The programs are made to make it easier, not a substitute in my opinion.

I want to say thanks to all who have posted threads on this scanner, as I have been reading them for quite some time. You all are really the ones that made me choose it over others I had been looking into purchasing.
Also a special thanks to Paul, you guys have a good scanner and you always seem to be there when someone is in need of some insight on the scanners.

Take care all of you.


Mar 2, 2004
yes , knowing how to program it in the field is always good to keep in check with , and as far as paul goes .... we are very lucky to have him in our corner . happy scanning !


Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2007
Fort Lupton, Colorado
I never did figure out how to us the Uniden software, but got Arc396 basic with it and took about and 1hr and a half to figure that out, plus how ever many hours programing stuff.


Nov 4, 2005
You'll love your 396 so much, you'll be tweeking it for the next few months. In the long run, it'll be worth the time spend programming.


In Memoriam
Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2004
Arlington, TX
Look forward to the calluses going away in 2-4 weeks.


First time I programmed a PRO-96 I spent about 10 hours programming it by hand. Engineering (I was Director of Product Development for RS at the time) wanted to check out something RF-wise in the scanner. No reason at all for them to reset it ... but of course they did. Only took me 6 hours the second time. By the time software was available for it, it was a competing unit.

That was a major reason for my ongoing rule: The scanner doesn't get released until the programming software is ready. While programming by hand is (IMHO) easier on the 396, it is still no joy (really not fun on any trunked/alpha tagged scanner...just too much stuff has to be entered).


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2003
Im the old guy on these boards, not good at all with the Computer and downloading and things, i have programmed my 396,PRO96/2096 and GRE by hand and now can proudly say i could even do it in the dark...Being in the hobby forty years most people here don't realize how privileged we are to have Mr. Opitz, he has treated people on here of all types with respect and professionalizm...Years back when ''Regency Electronics came out with a wood grain crystal-less scanner it had a "tone by-pass" built in for like open carriers but evertime a fire tone came on it bypassed it...It worked too good, i contacted a Regency engineer by some chance in Indy and sent it direct to him, he had good sense how to repair this as the repair dept had no clue...Paul is the rite guy for the job....
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