Roger that, Mike ~
Things have changed, but I like knowing the history and thought process that went into those original band plans. Back in the day of crystal radios it was easy to narrow down an agency by what part of the band they used. Crystal radios were limited. My Regency Touch was synth, but the search function was so slow. 1 MHz was about all you wanted to search at one time. Today it is wide open for agencies with synth radios. At least we have some MUCH better scanners to search with.
I live outside the populated areas, so when I travel I get all sorts of good stuff in those more populated areas. But I usually don't have much time to listen and ID what I'm picking up, after all, I'm working. The most fun I had was sitting on the cliff in NJ overlooking NYC on those slow work days when I lived and worked there. Too bad scanners were way behind in tech back in the late 90's. I lived in Ft. Lauderdale in the early 90's and it was real busy and fun to listen. I bet you are in hog heaven out there in LV.