Hi Junky and all,
"Can i run multiple scanners off of 1 antenna by utilizing splitters bought at a local radio shed?"
"If i do this, will performance be hindered?"
Look into amplified couplers, preferably one with unity gain. Too much signal will overload the receiver and cause reception problems.
"Can i possibly use a CB antenna i have on the same mast for local vhf monitoring?"
Larry, what the heck are you talking about? Every antenna is cut for a specific frequency or frequencies. You're right about the RG-58U coax, except for very short runs in the mobile it's useless above 30MHz. What could you possibly mean by "capture area"? We're talking antennas here, not sail boats. Mismatch of what, connectors, impedances, frequencies, bands, what? I checked out that site and still don't know what a "Gold Post" is, perhaps linking directly to it would provide a clue as I'm not about searching the entire site for an antenna, connector, adapter, some kind of coax or whatever this mystery object is.
Speak clearly, I hate it when you mumble.
I hate coming down on guys like this BUT if they can bamboozle me with 30+ years of radio communications experience I can just imagine what frustration casual scanner enthusiasts go through trying to untangle the mess. Cummon people, PLEASE get it together or ask a few questions of your own before passing along misconceptions, misinformation, improper terminology and other brain dingleberrys you picked up along the way.