Hello, all-
I browsed through the posts regarding multicouplers & such, but couldn't find my solution. I'd like to run the above equipment on the one antenna (for now). Would 1 multicoupler for V/UHF work, or would I need to get an additional one for HF to use the Drake? (I've already tried the cable TV splitter route, too much loss.) I've e-mailed Stridsberg on this, so far no response.
Thanks in advance!
I browsed through the posts regarding multicouplers & such, but couldn't find my solution. I'd like to run the above equipment on the one antenna (for now). Would 1 multicoupler for V/UHF work, or would I need to get an additional one for HF to use the Drake? (I've already tried the cable TV splitter route, too much loss.) I've e-mailed Stridsberg on this, so far no response.
Thanks in advance!