2011 VHF Low Band Logs

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Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
Found it - I logged 30.02 and 30.22 as Canadian pagers in 1988. I may have logged it earlier but unfortunately I lost my logs from the 70s and 1980-1987.

I've heard the 30.020 MHz paging before and its apparently of Canadian origin. I imagine the 30.220 MHz paging I heard is as well.


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
Originally posted by kkn50:

VHF Low Band Log for 2011/06/26
San Antonio, Texas, EL09. Uniden BCD396T with Dipole Antenna

37.8800 118.8 Spanish

I've been hearing this up in NY also, coming in very clear.


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log for 2011/07/18

VHF Low Band Log for 2011/07/18
San Antonio, Texas, EL09. Uniden BCD396T with Dipole Antenna

26.7350 AM CB Ch 19 down one band w/ trucker giving a bear report
30.2000 150.0 US MIL
30.5800 91.5 Dirt trucks
30.6000 118.8 Unidentified business
30.6400 186.2 Farmers
30.7000 118.8 Oil field related "Base to Moreland"
30.8600 107.2 WQGE864 - Mid Continent Concrete Co, Springdale AR
30.9200 162.2 "He's not answering his phone but he said he would be home all day"
30.9600 110.9 "10-4"
31.1000 CSQ KFQ538 - Roosevelt State Park, Pine Mountain GA (ID on 6/22/2011)
31.2000 150.0 US MIL
31.2000 203.5 Spanish - Taxi dispatch <band open to Central/South America>
31.2800 179.9 WQBF550 - Robert Pollard Farming, Crittenden Co, AR
31.4400 118.8 Unidentified business
31.6400 118.8 Concrete trucks
31.6800 114.8 "We'll take careuhit"
31.6800 156.7 Gas delivery business - SE US
31.8400 173.8 WQCQ495 - Beck Development, Novi MI
32.1000 150.0 US MIL
32.1800 77.0 Spanish - Taxi dispatch <band open to Central/South America>
32.5000 150.0 US MIL
33.1000 186.2 Unidentified business
33.1600 100.0 Undentified business
33.4200 CSQ WQGU312 - Cape Coral Emergency Advisory Radio
33.4800 118.8 "out of service"
33.7000 192.8 FD - Possible Somerset Co PA
33.7200 141.3 Spanish - Taxi dispatch <band open to Central/South America>
33.8600 77.0 FD/EMS - Washington Co, MD
33.8600 82.5 KQH904 - FD/EMS Licking County, OH (again confirmed callsign 7/12/11)
33.9000 CSQ KQI316 - FD/EMS - Hamilton Co OH
33.9800 103.5 EMS Dispatch - Muskingum Co OH
34.0400 127.3 Spanish - Taxi dispatch <band open to Central/South America>
34.2000 150.0 US MIL - Camp Bullis Range
35.1000 118.8 KRL868 - Ravinia Plumbing & Heating, Highland Park IL
35.1000 173.8 HVAC company
35.1200 127.3 Van Service, Chattanooga TN "need a unit at 28th and Rossville"
35.1400 D025 "Call me"
35.1400 D311 Unidentified business
35.1600 173.8 "F 1 2 4 6"
35.1600 CSQ Morse ID "KIR564" - Public Service Telephone Co, Reynolds GA
35.1800 107.2 Unidentified business
35.3600 127.3 Trucking business
35.4400 131.8 Cement trucks
35.7400 100.0 Repeater w/ business comms
35.7600 156.7 "345"
35.8200 94.8 Unidentified business
35.8200 123.0 Unidentified business
36.0500 150.0 US MIL - Airfield
36.9000 150.0 US MIL - Martindale Army Heliport Ops
37.0400 127.3 "1500 Walkers Creek Rd". This address is in Marion, Smyth Co, VA. Smyth Co Sheriff is licensed for 37.040. Finally!
37.4400 100.0 Spanish - Taxi dispatch <band open to Central/South America>
37.7200 151.4 KIF565, Sumter Electric Cooperative, Lake Co, FL
37.8800 118.8 Spanish
37.9800 146.2 "take a right and it'll take you into Cresent and go back south"
39.7200 100.0 Possible Giles Co, VA
39.9800 CSQ Nebraska Statewide
40.6700 CSQ SNOTEL
42.1200 94.8 MS HP
42.1600 94.8 MS HP
42.2000 94.8 MS HP
42.3600 123.0 TN HP
42.3800 141.3 WV HP
42.3800 173.8 NC HP
42.4200 114.8 TN HP, District 2 - Chattanooga
42.4200 162.2 TN HP
42.5000 173.8 NC HP
42.5200 173.8 NC HP
42.5600 107.2 TN HP
42.6000 173.8 NC HP
42.6400 173.8 NC HP
42.8200 173.8 NC HP
42.9200 203.5 MO HP
42.9600 146.2 Unidentified business
43.3600 151.4 "Somebody's right here behind Bear and Bear's up under the silo"
43.5200 77.0 Ingram Readymix, San Antonio
44.5800 BNSF Extended Line of Sight - packets
44.8800 141.3 "I'm not sure"
45.4200 CSQ FL Prison system
45.5200 D412 Possibly Walker Co, GA
45.9800 94.8 "this is the last vehicle for the refuel"
46.0800 151.4 FD - Bartow Co GA
46.4600 CSQ KII763, Rockingham Co, NC Fire/EMS (positive ID on 7/9/11)
47.3600 114.8 KFR701 Morse ID, SC DOT
47.8200 103.5 Gas Utility, Austell GA
49.5000 67.0 Unidentified business


Dec 26, 2005
^Some great catches kkn50!

I'm going to pay some more attention to the lower 30s and 26/27 MHz freeband range as those sets of frequencies seem to be more and more active. Interesting that the 30.02 and 30.22MHz pager frequencies are still in use today!


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hamilton, Ontario
Only got a few this morning on the way to work...

25.9500 CSQ 25.9500 CSQ KOA AM STL (Denver, CO)
29.6200 146.2 KQ2H Ham Repeater (New York City, NY)
33.9000 CSQ Hamilton County Fire & EMS Dispatch (Hamilton County, OH)
47.4600 91.5



Hoi Polloi
Premium Subscriber
Jan 9, 2001
From Denver - PRO-197 / CF Dipole

33.38 (192.8) ?? Possibly Columbia Gas (per old Monix list)
35.10 (103.5) ACS Security, Los Angeles, CA
35.98 (123.0) ??
39.68 (118.8) CHP Riverside - Turquoise 1
39.86 (173.8) North County FSP (Orange Co., CA)
39.88 (118.8) CHP Rancho Cucamunga - Beige 1
42.12 (186.2) MO DPS - Troop C South
42.14 (186.2) MO DPS - Troop C Rural
42.38 (173.8) MO DPS - Troop G
42.58 (186.2) MO DPS - Troop I
42.64 (186.2) MO DPS - Troop F
42.82 (186.2) MO DPS - Troop B
42.84 (162.2) CHP Oceanside - Tan 1 (Mobile!)
42.92 (173.8) MO DPS - Troop E North
44.80 (114.8) ?? Possibly MI Parks (per old Monix list)
45.02 (186.2) CHP Baldwin Park - Orange 2
45.70 (186.2) CHP Newhall / Antelope Valley - Tan 2
45.74 (177.3 / 179.9 / 118.8) ?? NE HP?
46.00 (85.4) ?? Red Cross or other EMA Common?
46.30 (D072) Reported above as Fulton Co., IL EMA
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Dec 26, 2005
Short logs:

Radioshack Pro-96 with 108" whip (1/4 wave at 26.00 MHz)

26.8350 CSQ - AM CB freebanders
26.9150 CSQ - AM CB freebanders
30.5750 CSQ - data "chirps"
30.6400 C107.2 - Business
32.1500 CSQ - carrier, data bursts
33.7600 C77.0
33.8200 C114.8
33.8200 C199.5
33.8600 C77.0
39.1600 C110.9
39.3200 C110.9
39.3400 C110.9
42.1000 C151.4 - "470"
44.7400 C110.9
45.7400 C94.8
47.0400 C110.9


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hamilton, Ontario
Didn't hear all that much this morning on my way to work.

29.6800 PL 136.5 Ham Repeater.. most likely N9UMJ Bedford, Indiana
35.1800 PL 186.2
40.6700 CSQ Snotel



Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log for 2011/07/19

VHF Low Band Log for 2011/07/19
San Antonio, Texas, EL09. Uniden BCD396T with Dipole Antenna

30.2000 150.0 US MIL
30.5800 114.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
30.6200 210.7 WPSD819 - Millenium Taxi Service, Chattanooga TN
30.6400 146.2 Repeater - Cement trucks
30.6800 218.1 Mid Continent Concrete, Ft Smith AR
30.7200 192.8 Unidentified business
30.8600 107.2 WQGE864 - Mid Continent Concrete Co, Springdale AR
31.1000 CSQ KFQ538 - Roosevelt State Park, Pine Mountain GA (ID on 6/22/2011)
31.1600 127.3 Unidentified business
31.2000 91.5 KLT894 - Central Heating & Cooling Inc, Mountain Home, AR
31.2000 203.5 Spanish - Taxi dispatch <band open to Central/South America>
31.2800 179.9 WQBF550 - Robert Pollard Farming, Crittenden Co, AR
31.6400 118.8 Concrete trucks
31.7200 103.2 WQAB377 - Puebla Express Corp. Taxi, Brooklyn, NY
31.7600 210.7 Unidentified business
31.8400 173.8 WQCQ495 - Beck Development, Novi MI
31.9200 141.3 Unidentified business
31.9600 82.5 Unidentified business
32.1800 77.0 Spanish - Taxi dispatch <band open to Central/South America>
32.3400 127.3 Spanish - Taxi dispatch <band open to Central/South America>
32.8250 150.0 US MIL, Lowe Army Heliport, Ft Rucker AL
33.1600 156.7 Possible WPRX311, Druid City Scientific Pest Control, Tuscaloosa AL
33.8600 82.5 KQH904 - FD/EMS Licking County, OH (again confirmed callsign 7/12/11)
33.9000 CSQ KQI316 - FD/EMS - Hamilton Co OH
33.9800 103.5 EMS Dispatch - Muskingum Co OH
34.0400 127.3 Spanish - Taxi dispatch <band open to Central/South America>
34.1750 150.0 US MIL - Range Control
35.0600 162.2 WRZ735 - Windy's Canoe Rental, Eminence MO
35.0800 97.4 Unidentified business
35.1200 127.3 Van Service, Chattanooga TN
35.1400 141.3 Unidentified business
35.1400 D743 KSJ240 - Skyline Disposal, Chicago Heights IL
35.1800 186.2 Unidentified business
35.3600 127.3 Trucking business "like going to Ridgefield"
35.4400 131.8 Cement trucks
35.4400 136.5 Creek rides
35.7200 100.0 Repeater w/ business comms
35.7600 186.2 Unidentified business with Grandma dispatcher
35.8200 94.8 Unidentified business
35.9400 107.2 Unidentified business
37.1000 162.2 KET358 - Morgantown Utility Board, WV
37.3600 110.9 IL DOC - "F1 Low Band" with prisoner counts
37.4600 107.2 KIK305, Habersham Electric Membership Corporation, Clarkesville GA
37.4800 151.4 Electrical Utility
37.5000 150.0 US MIL
37.5400 151.4 Sumter Electric Cooperative, Sumter FL
37.7200 151.4 KIF565, Sumter Electric Cooperative, Lake Co, FL
37.9800 CSQ Highway maintenance crew
38.3500 150.0 US MIL - Butts AAF, Ft Carson, CO "Cobra 7 you are on a dedicated air traffic control frequency, use your alternate"
39.7200 100.0 Possible Giles Co, VA
39.9000 CSQ Nebraska Statewide
40.3100 103.5 Repeater, possibly KOJ527, BIA, Leupp AZ
42.0600 203.5 MO HP
42.0800 94.8 MS HP
42.1000 203.5 MO HP
42.1200 94.8 MS HP
42.1200 173.8 MO HP
42.1200 186.2 MO HP
42.1200 203.5 MO HP
42.1400 186.2 MO HP
42.2200 186.2 MO HP
42.2200 203.5 MO HP
42.2400 186.2 MO HP
42.2600 192.8 MO HP
42.3000 94.8 MS HP - input to 42.080
42.3600 123.0 TN HP
42.3800 173.8 NC HP
42.4000 173.8 MO HP
42.4600 D114 NE HP
42.4600 D131 NE HP, Troop HQ - Lincoln Dispatch
42.5800 173.8 NC HP
42.5800 186.2 MO HP
42.6400 173.8 NC HP
42.6400 186.2 MO HP
42.8200 173.8 NC HP
42.8200 186.2 MO HP
42.8600 203.5 MO HP
42.9600 D261 Canoe business, "he came in and paid for two canoes last night"
43.1000 103.5 Cement trucks
43.1200 118.8 Unidentified business
43.1200 146.2 Unidentified business
43.5200 77.0 Ingram Readymix, San Antonio
44.8800 141.3 Unidentified business
45.4200 CSQ FL Prison system, "we have a clear master roster count"
45.4800 131.8 Van service "Morgan County line, headed that way"
45.5200 D412 Possibly Walker Co, GA
46.3000 D072 WPEQ500, Fulton County EMA - Advanced Life Support - Canton IL - confirmed voice ID "the Fulton county emergency medical paging system"
47.1000 107.2 Repeater "Blue Ridge School", "194 south", Morse ID "79"
48.4600 110.9 Los Angeles Water & Power
49.4400 D031 SCADA
49.4800 D031 SCADA
49.5000 67.0 Unidentified business
49.5200 67.0 Unidentified business. Morse ID "722"
49.5200 127.3 "pick her here at the store"
49.5200 D131 SCADA
49.5250 150.0 US MIL
49.5400 D031 SCADA
49.5600 D031 SCADA
49.5800 D311 "Take it to Covington Municipal Airport". Likely WNJI818, Jimmy Harris Trucking Inc, Covington GA


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hamilton, Ontario
Heard a few more tonight..

25.9600 CSQ KOA AM STL (Denver, CO)
29.6800 PL 136.5 Ham Repeater probably Bedford, IN
31.6800 PL 114.8
32.8000 CSQ US Mlitary
37.0400 PL 127.3 Unknown Police
37.7000 PL 131.8 Not sure what this is.. just heard a strong open carrier but no voice.. it would fade out for a while then come back a while later.
40.6700 CSQ Snotel
42.4200 PL 114.8 Tennessee Highway Patrol - District 2 (Chattanooga, TN)
45.9800 PL 203.5 Alabama Department Of Corrections



Hoi Polloi
Premium Subscriber
Jan 9, 2001
Wirelessly posted (Clacking rocks together: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.3; en-us; DROIDX Build/4.5.1_57_DX5-26) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

mbstone99 said:
VHF Low Band Log for 2011/07/19

35.1800 186.2 Unidentified business

Could this one be...

Niles Flash Cab Association F-1 (Niles, IL)


I'd be surprised if it was. In the 90s, I believe they were on 150 MHz.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hamilton, Ontario
No skip this morning here in Dallas but there was a bit during lunchtime..

25.9500 CSQ KOA STL (Denver)
36.1000 PL 151.4 US Military
42.4400 PL 162.2 California Highway Patrol - Indio Dispatch
47.4600 PL 91.5
49.9250 PL 151.4 Spanish

I also heard Frisco (TX) on 37.1800 CSQ for their outdoor warning sirens.

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Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log for 2011/07/20

VHF Low Band Log for 2011/07/20
San Antonio, Texas, EL09. Uniden BCD396T with Dipole Antenna

25.9900 85.4 Unidentified station on Aux Broadcast Remote Pickup channel
30.0750 150.0 US MIL
30.2000 150.0 US MIL
30.6200 210.7 WPSD819 - Millenium Taxi Service, Chattanooga TN
30.6400 146.2 Repeater - Cement trucks
30.8600 107.2 WQGE864 - Mid Continent Concrete Co, Springdale AR
31.3000 150.0 US MIL - Range Control
31.6000 136.5 Farmers
31.8400 107.2 Unidentified business
33.1600 127.3 Unidentified business with Grandma dispatcher
33.8600 82.5 KQH904 - FD/EMS Licking County, OH (again confirmed callsign 7/12/11)
33.9000 CSQ KQI316 - FD/EMS - Hamilton Co OH
33.9800 103.5 EMS Dispatch - Muskingum Co OH
34.1100 88.5 Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
35.0000 150.0 US MIL
36.5000 150.0 US MIL
37.0400 127.3 Sheriff - Smyth Co, VA
37.1200 156.7 WPPX309 - Madison Co AR Sheriff
37.1800 CSQ Highway crew
37.2000 150.0 US MIL
37.3600 110.9 IL DOC - "F1 Low Band"
37.5000 150.0 US MIL
38.5000 150.0 US MIL
39.2200 186.2 CA HP
39.4000 186.2 CA HP
39.4800 131.8 Sheriff, Lee County, VA (Positive voice ID on 5/15/10 and 5/22/11)
39.6800 118.8 CA HP
39.7200 136.2 WNKX768, Scioto County, OH - Sheriff
39.8800 118.8 CA HP
39.9000 CSQ Nebraska Statewide
39.9800 CSQ Nebraska Statewide
40.6700 CSQ SNOTEL
42.0600 203.5 MO HP
42.1000 203.5 MO HP
42.1200 173.8 MO HP
42.1200 203.5 MO HP
42.1400 186.2 MO HP
42.3600 123.0 TN HP
42.4000 173.8 MO HP
42.4200 141.3 TN HP
42.4400 162.2 CA HP
42.4600 D114 NE HP
42.4600 D131 NE HP, Troop HQ - Lincoln Dispatch
42.4600 D155 NE HP, Troop HQ - Lincoln Dispatch
42.4800 D032 NE HP, Troop B - Norfolk Dispatch
42.4800 D331 NE HP, Tekamah Tower
42.5000 173.8 NC HP
42.5200 173.8 NC HP
42.5600 118.8 CA HP
42.5800 173.8 NC HP
42.5800 186.2 MO HP
42.6000 173.8 NC HP
42.6400 173.8 NC HP
42.6400 186.2 MO HP
42.8200 186.2 MO HP
42.8600 203.5 MO HP
42.9200 162.2 CA HP
42.9200 203.5 MO HP
42.9400 203.5 MO HP
43.4000 151.4 Unidentified business
44.2400 CSQ Unidentified business
44.2600 CSQ Unidentified business
44.4800 CSQ Data packets - Texas MESONET
44.5800 CSQ BNSF Extended Line of Sight - packets
44.7000 77.0 OK HP
44.9000 77.0 OK HP
44.9400 186.2 CA HP
45.3200 CSQ "at the back part of the trailer park, his vehicle is sitting there"
45.4200 CSQ FL Prison system
45.4400 203.5 Kerr County, TX - Public Works
45.5000 186.2 CA HP
45.7000 186.2 CA HP
46.0800 151.4 FD - Bartow Co GA
47.2800 136.5 TN - TDOT HELP Crews - Region 4 Shelby County
49.3800 79.7 Unidentified business
49.5400 67.0 Unidentified business
49.5800 136.5 Quarry operations
49.5800 179.9 Unidentified business


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hamilton, Ontario
Didn't hear anything this morning but a little bit late this afternoon.

25.9500 CSQ KOA AM STL (Denver, CO)
33.9000 CSQ Hamilton County FD/EMS (Hamilton County, OH)
39.5000 PL 100.0 Pearisburg Police (Pearisburg, VA)
40.6700 CSQ Snotel
47.4600 PL 91.5



Premium Subscriber
Feb 21, 2003
VHF Low Band Log for 2011/07/22

Both this evening from SW-Virginia, held out on lowband but couldnt get anything else aside from local los stuff. Some interesting WEST to East going on this week.

155 MHz Quarter Wave, Both logs were very strong with the SNOTEL being full signal strength for 20 - 30 mins

44.580 BNSF ELOS Packets
40.670 SNOTEL


Long Time Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hill Country Village, Texas
VHF Low Band Log for 2011/07/22

VHF Low Band Log for 2011/07/22
San Antonio, Texas, EL09. Uniden BCD396T with Dipole Antenna

30.0500 150.0 US MIL "engage target" "report battle damage"
31.2800 179.9 WQBF550 - Robert Pollard Farming, Crittenden Co, AR
31.6000 136.5 Farmers
31.6800 114.8 Unidentified business
31.8800 94.8 Farmers
33.8200 141.3 KCO372 - FD/EMS - Calvert County, MD w/ voice callsign ID
33.8600 77.0 FD/EMS - Washington Co, MD
33.8600 82.5 KQH904 - FD/EMS Licking County, OH (again confirmed callsign 7/12/11)
33.9800 103.5 EMS Dispatch - Muskingum Co OH
34.2000 150.0 US MIL - Camp Bullis Range
34.3000 150.0 US MIL
36.0000 150.0 US MIL - "this is HC28, radio check, over"
36.8000 150.0 US MIL - Helos
36.9000 150.0 US MIL - Helos working Camp Bullis
49.6250 150.0 US MIL - "download your equipment to your vehicle"
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