VHF Low Band Log for 2012/01/22
VHF Low Band Log for 2012/01/22
San Antonio, Texas
Uniden BCD996XT Scanner with Dipole Antenna
Great opening today.
29.7700 162.2 Probable WQAP986, Bushwick Car Service, Brooklyn NY
30.0200 CSQ XKD841 Southlake Regional Health Centre, Newmarket, Ontario
30.4800 110.9 XLL780 Wendigo Lake Expeditions, South River, Ontario, Canada
30.5800 114.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
30.6400 114.8 Unidentified US business
30.6400 162.2 Discussion of barges, tugs, hooks. These guys are definitely on the water but I can't place the accents.
30.6600 77.0 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
30.6800 100.0 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
30.6800 107.2 Unidentified US business
30.9400 82.5 Taxi dispatch <band open to northeast US>
31.0200 179.9 WQGT379 Coopertiva Columbiana de Conductures, Queens
31.0400 173.8 Great Neck Taxi, Long Island
31.0600 91.5 WPIN347 Oscar Macareno (Taxi), Brooklyn, NY
31.0800 74.4 WPXA428 Myrtle Ave Car Svc, Brooklyn, NY
31.1200 100.0 Repeater - Secco of Palmer, Inc, Holyoke MA (School Buses). Input is 35.4000
31.1400 123.0 KMA672 San Francisco Municipal Railway Transit, Maintenance & Inspectors
31.2000 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central / South America>
31.2400 136.5 WPYF511 - Luis Palaguache Taxi, Brooklyn, NY
31.2800 127.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish
31.3200 131.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
31.7200 103.5 WQAB377 Puebla Express Corp. Taxi, Brooklyn, NY
31.9200 192.8 New Eastern Car & Limo Service, Brooklyn
31.9600 82.5 WPWC364 International Car Svc., Brooklyn NY
32.1800 77.0 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
33.0000 150.0 US MIL
33.0200 77.0 WPTD554 Fire Dispatch - Morgan County, WV w/ voice ID
33.0400 114.8 WQDR782 Fire Dispatch - West Barnstable MA
33.0600 131.8 Fire Dispatch - Boylston MA
33.0800 131.8 KUP303 Spencer Rescue - Spencer MA
33.1600 77.0 WNVB462 Arecibo Car Service, Brooklyn NY
33.2400 107.2 WPFC696 Fenix Car Service, Queens NY
33.4800 123.0 Fire Dispatch - Athol MA
33.5200 131.8 Fire Dispatch - East Haven CT
33.5800 114.8 KNCS289 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Yarmouth Municipalities MA
33.5800 131.8 KCD975 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Charlton MA
33.5800 179.9 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Ledyard CT
33.6400 114.8 KNAW393 Fire Dispatch - Bourne MA
33.6400 131.8 Fire Dispatch - Spencer, MA
33.6400 136.5 Fire Dispatch - Wilton NH
33.6400 203.5 KCB778 Fire Dispatch - Berlin, MA <confirmed w/ Morse ID>
33.6600 114.8 KCD566 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Truro MA
33.6600 186.2 KCF311 Fire Dispatch - Carlisle, MA
33.6800 114.8 WNWQ580 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Mashpee MA
33.7000 114.8 Fire Dispatch - Farnsville, Chatham
33.7000 151.4 KDP395 Fire Dispatch - Cattaraugus County NY
33.7200 82.5 WNQU666 Fire Dispatch - Redding CT
33.7200 131.8 KCD904 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Leicester MA
33.7200 136.5 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Greenville NH
33.7200 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
33.7200 179.9 WPFI264 Fire / EMS Operations, Franklin CT
33.7400 192.8 Fire Dispatch - Lambertville, NJ
33.7600 179.9 Fire Tac - Possible Windham Co, CT
33.7800 77.0 KCF415 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Cheshire Co NH
33.7800 82.5 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Allegany Co MD
33.7800 114.8 KNGE459 EMS dispatch - Falmouth MA
33.8000 179.9 KXV431 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Windham Co CT
33.8200 141.3 KCO372 FD/EMS - Calvert County, MD
33.8600 77.0 KGC676 Fire/EMS Dispatch - Washington Co, MD
33.8600 131.8 Fire/EMS Dispatch - East Brookfield MA
33.9000 179.9 EMS Dispatch - Possible CT
33.9200 179.9 EMS Dispatch - New London Co CT
33.9400 114.8 Possible KCJ825 - North County Dispatch, County Fire, Somerset NJ
33.9400 127.3 EMS Dispatch - Menden MA
33.9400 179.9 WNHR373 Fire Dispatch - Waterford CT
33.9600 127.3 KCD658 Fire/EMS Dispatch, Westminster MA
33.9800 127.3 District 14 Southern Middlesex County Massachusetts fire mutual aid network - patched from UHF. 46.36 also broadcasts D14 dispatcher.
34.0400 127.3 Taxi - Turrialba, Costa Rica <ID by Paul in Ireland>
34.2000 150.0 US MIL - Camp Bullis Range
34.7400 CSQ Portuguese - Brazil
34.7600 CSQ Portuguese - Brazil
34.8200 CSQ Portuguese - Brazil
35.0400 110.9 WPUZ913 11th St Car Service, Brooklyn (ID by 'splinters' in NYC)
35.0800 146.2 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.1000 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.1600 77.0 Taxi dispatch in Spanish
35.1600 173.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.3200 141.3 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.4000 79.9 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.4400 107.2 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.4800 156.7 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.5200 173.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.6800 CSQ Digital paging
35.7400 203.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.8200 114.8 WPNY352 Puerto Rican Car Service, Brooklyn NY
35.8600 123.0 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.8800 131.8 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
35.9600 100.0 Unidentified US business
36.0000 114.8 Spanish
36.6000 CSQ Partial Morse ID ending in "…SD". Canada?
37.0200 146.2 Police Dispatch - West Milford, NJ w/ voice ID
37.4400 100.0 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
37.5400 118.8 Electrical Utility
37.8800 88.5 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to northeast US>
37.9200 156.7 Taxi dispatch in Spanish <band open to Central/South America>
39.6800 118.8 CA HP
39.8000 162.2 CA HP
41.6000 150.0 US MIL
42.4400 162.2 CA HP
42.6400 186.2 KAF613 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-60]
42.8200 186.2 KAA201 MO HP - Dispatch-to-Mobiles [F-20]
42.8600 203.5 MO HP
43.5000 D023 Spanish
46.1000 100.0 Unidentified - brief transmission