OK, let start by saying the BC/Uniden scanners are above the rest hands down. That said, GRE/Whistler comes in as a tie. That said I recently picked up a used 246T handheld and have to say I now use it everyday. This coming from someone who has a boatload of stuff, 235's, 2096, GRE-800/900 et all, yes I let the other run all day but the one I "listen" to is the 246T analog. Look it up on the RRDB Wiki and you will see even though its 16 years young it is a keeper. I am still learning the ins and outs of this radio but for a new user its menu system is fairly easy. The most best feature I can exclaim is the sensitivity of this radio. Its picking up GMRS/FRS 1 watt radios I have never heard before downtown. The Close call and service search features are great and I regularly monitor ham bands in such and have found it hears better than the radios I have for transmit. Couple that with the small size, 2 AA batteries that last forever and the screen and you have a performer in the dying analog world of scanning.
1600 channels is nothing to sneeze at either...
1600 channels is nothing to sneeze at either...