I'm pretty excited to try it out I have to admit. For now I have a less than optimal antenna for it I'll have to figure out a better solution eventually. As far as filters go, you might want to try one of these Mini-Circuits Low Pass Filter SLP-1.9 SMA | eBay that is cheap as chips (used but filters are pretty resilient things) and it'll filter out strong AM radio signals if they are causing problems.
Hi Guys:
This looks interesting, but I'll have to admit that I'm not quite sure what a SDR is and how it can be used. I'm just a scanner guy, not an amateur radio guy. I know I can do a search and read up about it, but thought maybe one of you guys can post a layman's explanation of what a Software Defined Radio is and more importantly how it can be used by amatuer radio and/or scanner hobbyists.
I'll start looking around on my own also. Thanks!