Not much in the 30 to 50 band in the UK, mostly allocated to the military (all 25kHz channels AFAIK) and what there is is low power only and rarely used so you'll be very lucky to catch it across the pond.
39.025 and 46.4,46.95, 46.975 MHz meteor burst system, multiple sites.
I did hear a British military user on 31.25 MHz CTCSS 210.7, but I don't know from which country (Germany/Cyprus/Gibraltar are all possible)
Some UK hospitals have pagers on 31.725 / 31.75 / 31.775 MHz.
Russian users heard right across the band, mostly 25kHz channels. Could be Russia or Ukraine, etc. Lowest freqs heard 29.7625 and 29.8875 so some are on 12.5kHz channels.
34-34.9875 multiple users, reported to be Turkish Fire Departments. 5 tones heard. 12.5kHz channels. Multiple CTCSS.
France 34.9–36.25 base stations, paired with mobiles 4.4 MHz higher. 12.5 kHz channels. Multiple CTCSS.
Directions Interdépartementales des Routes (DIR) - nationwide, some kind of highways department.
Italy: 43.3-43.5875 12.5kHz channels, seems to be a right mix of users with much data. Only 4W but it comes into the UK under the right conditions.
Poland: 47.075 possibly military (rarely received - needs sunspots and the jetstream to be in the right place)
Sigs around 39MHz reported to be in Farsi from Iran e.g 39.525 CTCSS 156.7 - only 25k channels heard.
Ireland: Nothing that I know of in 30-50 MHz.