34.8500mhz/150.0hz Aircraft to Aircraft

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Oct 17, 2008
Douglas County,NV (4,859 Ft)
Location is N/W Nevada

Picking up VHF Lowband Skip,from Southeast USA and Northeast USA.

Unknown Aircraft calling for any "Ghost Rider" or "Ghost Raider" Aircraft @ 12:00pm Pacific Time.

Using (Freq) 34.8500mhz FM (Tone) 150.0hz. (Army Freq?)

Signal drifting in and out.

Unknown Aircraft made contact with another Aircraft and brief comms heard.

They are going to meet up near the Sea Wall.

Couldnt get callsigns do to signal drifting in and out.

Question: does anybody know who or what im listening too?

Im also posting on Tropispheric/Skip Forum.


Mar 4, 2004
Crafton Pennsylvania
Well, I would say you monitored some Army rotary wing traffic. Aside from that, it could be coming from pretty much anywhere, plenty of training areas with much activity at major bases-Forts Hood, Sil, Benning and Bragg readily come to mind. From my days at Fort Rucker (We called it something else), Ghost Rider was the callsign for Hanchey Air Field. Rucker's got a bunch of small airfields used for training, some for specific aircraft and others for flight manuevers and such. When I was there, I remember it was around 20-was assigned to a NAVAIDS/Ground Radio Shop as we maintained that sort of radio/navigation/weather equipment, and non directional beacons.

Fort Rucker is the Army's aviation center and school, so it is quite possible you heard them. The students fly numerous training flights down to Tyndall AFB with a north leg to Birmingham and return south to mother rucker. Admittedly it has been more years than I can comprehend sometimes since I was assigned there; no doubt things have changed. I do remember what 150Hz tone sounds like as my MOS was Field Radio Repair (29E) and that tone is common to all tactical FM gear.

Doing the detective work makes this hobby interesting! Sorry for the long winded reply, tweaking here.
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