36.50 FM Military Tower

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Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans
36.50 Unid Military Tower, very active.

I've been up in Whitefish MT this summer and I often copy this tower controller directing helo's on this frequency. I've heard references to Chinooks and Range Control, although this frequency does not appear to be a Range Control channel for the entity. Most comms are standard ATC tower comms.

Does anyone know who this might be?

Most of my low band skip comes in from California and especially Arizona.


Jul 8, 2002
Off Topic

LB, can't PM you, but can you try 168.3750 and 173.7625 for a P25 NAC in Whitefish , they are the BIA

Back-to the original topic :)

36.50 Unid Military Tower, very active.

I've been up in Whitefish MT this summer and I often copy this tower controller directing helo's on this frequency. I've heard references to Chinooks and Range Control, although this frequency does not appear to be a Range Control channel for the entity. Most comms are standard ATC tower comms.

Does anyone know who this might be?

Most of my low band skip comes in from California and especially Arizona.


Founder and CEO
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Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans
Looks like I've confirmed this as "Butts Radio" - which is Fort Carson CO / Butts Army Airfield. I heard references to "Airburst Tower" and "Range 123" which al refer back to the ranges at Fort Carson. It sound like this is an ops frequency where units checkin for status updates etc.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Oct 12, 2007
The Appalachians - Next to the tent and campfire.
Lindsay. I am believing , with the info on the previous post for this thread - You were definately listening to a Range Control frequency. As range control comms with units are done on a dedicated low band freq for that installation. "Dust Off" is also a dedicated low band freq.

Most Military installations have "Ranges". Those ranges vary as such for = Machine Gun Fire , Aircraft weapons practice. Mortar firing, Artillary Firing, small arms ( rifle and pistol ), Tank Gunnery Practice, demolitions and ect.

When a particular unit gets a " Range" , the officer , senior NCO for that unit contacts range control and advises that the range is " Hot " ( after scheduling it with Range Control ), and a flag goes up at that range also as a visual indicator.

In reading the above post , It sounds that an aircraft was either (A) = Getting ready to use a range, Or (B) = needed to transit a series of ranges and got "Range Controls" permission to do so ; as to not get hit by small arms fire , a mortar round , or worse an artillery round.

Vehicles and aircraft, who wish to transit a series of ranges to get to a particular one, or for some reason need to transit a series of ranges to get to a certain point, have to call Range Control and get permission to " Enter and occupy' a range or " transit a range" ( very large inpact area - Ex= artillery ). In my day, since people are not infallable - TWO individuals physically checked a map and verified yes or no that the range could be occupied or transited. In a aircraft sitiation , think of Range Control as being a ATC center , FAA and NORAD all wrapped up into one, because the NCO at Range Control is the supreme deirty, and has the ultimate authority no matter what rank the other John Doe might be. Messing with him or her CAN get you in a boatload of trouble. I mean more trouble than you can handle.

I have never known, In my military career , for a Range Control NCO or Officer to make a mistake. It was always the other guy whom (A) Was not performing situational awareness. ( B ) made a mistake at reading a map and compass ( eight digit grid coordinates ). ( C ) traveled from point "A" to point "B" along the wrong azmuith ( magnetic heading ). I spent time at Fort Hood , which by estimates is the largest military installation in the free world. There are ranges there ( impact areas ) that would take you a good half day to drive across.

Range Control is also the primary contact ( or was ) for medical evac and emergencys on a U.S Army base. Key word "WAS" , so it is worth plugging in a scanner and listening to if you are close.

Hope this helped Lindsay.

FF - Medic !!!! ( 1st Cav @ Ft.Hood, TX : 2nd Infantry Div @ Camp Casey, Korea )
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Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Oct 12, 2007
The Appalachians - Next to the tent and campfire.
Looks like I've confirmed this as "Butts Radio" - which is Fort Carson CO / Butts Army Airfield. I heard references to "Airburst Tower" and "Range 123" which al refer back to the ranges at Fort Carson. It sound like this is an ops frequency where units checkin for status updates etc.

Lindsay. I spoke to " The Butler " (AKA - " Ask Jeeves ).

Quote = 2-28 Aircraft Procedures:
a. Butts Army Airfield operations personnel operates the Airspace Information Center (Ale) over the Fort
Carson reservation and PCMS. The AIC will provide advisories on all Army and Air Force air traffic and weapons
firing to all airspace users. The AIC call sign is "Butts Radio". Radio frequencies are:
*Range Control 38.80 MHZ (Alternate 39.60)
*Butts Radio: FM 38.35 MHZ (VHF 138.150)
*PMCS Freq: FM 36.50 MHZ (VHF 244.0 or 141.5)
b. All aircraft, to include fixed wing aircraft, will coordinate through Range Control and Butts Army Airfield.
Units will ensure to fill out Block 7 ofFC FL 2 (No# of aircraft and type).
c. All aircraft will contact the AIC prior to entering Fort Carson airspace and the downrange area, which is the
area south of Route 2 exclusive of the Butts Army Airfield traffic area.
d. Units are required to submit a Notice to Airmen (NOT AM) to Range Control, Butts Army Airfield, Range
123 (Aircraft Bombing Range), and to the Fort Carson Fire Department. NOTAM are also required for all airborne

Link = http://www.carson.army.mil/mpd/ARCHIVE/FC Regs/NEW PDF/FC PAM 350-2-1.pdf

FF - Medic !!!


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Oct 12, 2007
The Appalachians - Next to the tent and campfire.
Thanks ff-medic... good work.

Anyone know what PMCS stands for?

Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services.

Pre checking a vehicle , aircraft before using , during use and after use ; AS well as regular and scheduled maintenance. There "WAS" :) a checklist to go by when pulling PMCS....Before - Durrrring and after use.

FF - Medic !!!


Founder and CEO
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans
What I have been hearing has been tower/range operations. I am thinking the acronym in the doc is a typo and Gilligan is correct. It is probably the Pinon Canyon area ops freq.


Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
Hagerstown, MD
Just thought I'd mention that it actually says both acronyms in the same paragraph to apparently describe the same thing. Not sure if it is or not but it seems like they are referring to fields/airspaces rather than to operations.

Butts Army Airfield operations personnel operates the Airspace Information Center (Ale) over the Fort Carson reservation and PCMS. The AIC will provide advisories on all Army and Air Force air traffic and weapons firing to all airspace users. The AIC call sign is "Butts Radio". Radio frequencies are:
*Range Control 38.80 MHZ (Alternate 39.60)
*Butts Radio: FM 38.35 MHZ (VHF 138.150)
*PMCS Freq: FM 36.50 MHZ (VHF 244.0 or 141.5)
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