On 18 February 2014 at approximately 11:15 PM, two MC-12W were inbound to Beale Air Force Base. A transmission from an aircraft passing overhead along the lines of "Spartan 53, gear down." Roughly five minutes later, a broken transmission was picked up and I made out what sounded like "Cougar 53" at the opening. I've listened to the aircraft at night from time to time and I believe they've always used the call sign Cougar. However, the 427th Reconnaissance Squadron's web site clearly indicates they are the Spartans. After searching the web, the only reference I found to the call sign Spartan was for OPS ArNG Sacramento, CA. Can anybody possibly assist in clearing this dual call sign situation up with me?
Military Comms Military Callsign Database Search - Spartan
Military Comms Military Callsign Database Search - Cougar
Factsheets : 427th Reconnaissance Squadron
Military Comms Military Callsign Database Search - Spartan
Military Comms Military Callsign Database Search - Cougar
Factsheets : 427th Reconnaissance Squadron