I think they/we need to help clarify the battery/charging section of the manual with UPMAN/Uniden . It will stop a lot of confusion before it starts
I agree!
The way I read the manual the 436 will only charge the batteries that operate the scanner when it is OFF.
Some people have complained that they want to listen to their scanners while it is being charged, however, many USB ports are too weak to charge the batteries and operate the scanner at the same time. This may be why the 436 must be off to charge the batteries that operate the scanner, however, the workaround is to use a good external charger and have two sets of batteries (which is a good idea anyway). Remember without good batteries in the 436 you cannot use any function that uses the SD card.
However, when does the battery that keeps the time/date charge? It appears from some people's report that have lost the time/date even though they had good batteries in the 436. This would suggest that the batteries that run the 436 do NOT charge the battery that keeps the time/date.
I think the manual and UPMan just says to have the 436 plugged into a USB port, no mention is made if it needs to be on or off that I can find. However, the 536 apparently must be ON to charge the battery that holds the time/date. I think.
Is about what you guys think too?