I just got the BCD436HP today. I'm in Lake County, IN. I'm uploading my select cities I want and the scanner just shows nothing to scan.
The links for "Nothing to Scan", as already
posted, are a good place to start.
For the cities of interest to you, did you include
both the Sites for your area, as well as the Departments (with the talkgroups) that are related to your area?
If you are doing this in Sentinel, export your Favorites list from Sentinel, and attach it to a post. The export link is on the drop-down File menu in Sentinel. Select the Favorites list you are using & export it to an *.hpe file. Save that file to a location you can find easily. Open File Explorer (aka Windows Explorer in early versions of Windows) and locate your file.
<Right><Click> on the file & choose compress to save the file into a zip file, which can be attached to a post. If you do not see 'Compress' on the pop-up menu that comes up after the right-click, choose the option for "Send To", and you'll have the choice to send your file into a zipped (compressed) file, which can be attached to a post. That way, we can take a look & see what changes or additions need to be made.