I just recently picked up a DMS YA76014 760-780 MHz Yagi with 14.0dBi gain, I just installed it on the tower which is a 50ft tower next to the house with a rotor inside the tower, I have the ant at 53 feet with only 75 foot LMR-400, the antenna is working fine, but here is my problem, i am trying to recieve another Ohio Marcs site which is just over 27 miles away line of site but its main control freq is 853.8375.. So i was thinking of getting an 800 mhz yagi to install on the tower along with the 760mhz ant and I am sure i am going to need to get a combiner of some sort to combine the two antenna but not sure which type or even whom may sell them.. I can hear the site i am trying to receive but the signal is'nt strong enough for the scanner to lock onto the control channel.. So my question is should I just stick with the 760 mhz yagi i have up and go with a preamp or get a 800mhz yagi and get a combiner and hook the to together.. I would sure appreciate any help and advice on this.. Thanks for everyones time
Here is the DMS yagi i bought which does work very well for the 700mhz
Here is the DMS yagi i bought which does work very well for the 700mhz
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