The "TOPIC" of this thread may be "700 MHz Systems In Service", but if you will read the 'QUESTION" again, railtrailbiker was looking specifically for PUBLIC SAFETY 700 MHz systems in service in New Jersey. Again key words PUBLIC SAFETY. The answer may have been relevant to the "TOPIC", but was of NO relevance to the "QUESTION", and I have a hunch that railtrailbiker was looking for an answer to his "QUESTION". The appropriate answer here would have been "No, there are none". Period. I'm sure he couldn't care less about Eagle Broadcasting's "Commercial Air Ground Radiotelephone", "TV Intercity Relay" system, which, I don't believe can even be monitored on a scanner anyway.
Many people come to these boards looking for specific answers to specific questions. If we can provide that answer, or guide that person in the direction of a place that, or to a person who, may be able to provide the answer, we post. If we can't, we don't, just for the sake of posting. Posting general, incomplete and or irrelevant information to a specific question is a waste of everybody's time. In the case of the "star poster" here, this type of behavior has been going on for a long time.
This isn't a "flame" or a "bashing", just a little constructive criticism. If those of you who are cheering him choose to view it as the former, then I think you need to RE - focus.