700 MHz Tactical/Non Trunked Frequencies

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Feed Provider
Nov 5, 2004
Pleasant Plains, IL
Does anybody know whether or not there is there a NAC associated with any of these frequencies (table taken from CARMA Starcom Radio Profile)


Several frequencies have been assigned to StarCom21 radios. These are installed in both repeater (+30 MHz. offset) and direct modes,
and all are P25 digital.
Frequency Name
764.14375 TAC58
764.24375 CAL59
764.64375 TAC62
764.73750 TAC63
765.14375 TAC66
765.24375 TAC67
765.39375 TAC68
765.49375 TAC69
Frequency Name
765.64375 TAC70
765.89375 MOB72
765.99375 TAC73
774.10625 TAC74
774.25625 CAL75
774.60625 TAC78
774.75625 TAC79
Frequency Name
775.00625 LAW84
775.10625 TAC82
775.25625 TAC83
775.35625 LAW85
775.50625 MOB88
775.60625 TAC86
775.85625 TAC89


Dec 19, 2002
Wichita Falls, TX
Are you sure that is a current list?
That looks to me like it might be a partial old list from before the 700 MHz band was reconfigured several years ago
Unless IL is doing something differently there should not be any public safety frequencies in the 764-769 or 775-776 ranges.
The current national 700 MHz interop channels & NACs are here Interoperability Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2003
090-45-50 W, 39-43-22 N
From NIFOG 1.4

Google NIFOG 1.4

700 MHz Interoperability Channels
23-24 983-984 799.14375 General Public Safety 7TAC51
23-24 769.14375 7TAC51D
39-40 999-1000 799.24375 Calling Channel 7CALL50
39-40 769.24375 7CALL50D
63-64 1023-1024 799.39375 EMS 7MED65
63-64 769.39375 7MED65D
79-80 1039-1040 799.49375 EMS 7MED66
79-80 769.49375 7MED66D
103-104 1063-1064 799.64375 General Public Safety 7TAC52
103-104 769.64375 7TAC52D
119-120 1079-1080 799.74375 General Public Safety 7TAC55
119-120 769.74375 7TAC55D
143-144 1103-1104 799.89375 Fire 7FIRE63
143-144 769.89375 7FIRE63D
159-160 1119-1120 799.99375 Fire 7FIRE64
159-160 769.99375 7FIRE64D
183-184 1143-1144 800.14375 General Public Safety 7TAC53
183-184 770.14375 7TAC53D
199-200 1159-1160 800.24375 General Public Safety 7TAC56
199-200 770.24375 7TAC56D
223-224 1183-1184 800.39375 Law Enforcement 7LAW61
223-224 770.39375 7LAW61D
239-240 1199-1200 800.49375 Law Enforcement 7LAW62
239-240 770.49375 7LAW62D
263-264 1223-1224 800.64375 General Public Safety 7TAC54
263-264 770.64375 7TAC54D
279-280 1239-1240 800.74375 Mobile Data 7DATA69
279-280 770.74375 7DATA69D
303-304 1263-1264 800.89375 Mobile Repeater 7MOB59
303-304 770.89375 7MOB59D
319-320 1279-1280 800.99375 Other Public Service 7GTAC57
319-320 770.99375 7GTAC57D
641-642 1601-1602 803.00625 EMS 7MED86
641-642 773.00625 7MED86D
657-658 1617-1618 803.10625 General Public Safety 7TAC71
657-658 773.10625 7TAC71D
681-682 1641-1642 803.25625 Calling Channel 7CALL70
681-682 773.25625 7CALL70D
697-698 1657-1658 803.35625 EMS 7MED87
697-698 773.35625 7MED87D
721-722 1681-1682 803.50625 Fire 7FIRE83
721-722 773.50625 7FIRE83D
737-738 1697-1698 803.60625 General Public Safety 7TAC72
737-738 773.60625 7TAC72D
761-762 1721-1722 803.75625 General Public Safety 7TAC75
761-762 773.75625 7TAC75D
777-778 1737-1738 803.85625 Fire 7FIRE84
777-778 773.85625 7FIRE84D
801-802 1761-1762 804.00625 Law Enforcement 7LAW81
801-802 774.00625 7LAW81D
817-818 1777-1778 804.10625 General Public Safety 7TAC73
817-818 774.10625 7TAC73D
841-842 1801-1802 804.25625 General Public Safety 7TAC76
841-842 774.25625 7TAC76D
857-858 1817-1818 804.35625 Law Enforcement 7LAW82
857-858 774.35625 7LAW82D
881-882 1841-1842 804.50625 Mobile Repeater 7MOB79
881-882 774.50625 7MOB79D
897-898 1857-1858 804.60625 General Public Safety 7TAC74
897-898 774.60625 7TAC74D
921-922 1881-1882 804.75625 Mobile Data 7DATA89
921-922 774.75625 7DATA89D
937-938 1897-1898 804.85625 Other Public Service 7GTAC77
937-938 774.85625 7GTAC77D
12.5 kHz narrowband channels shown as odd-even channel pairs of 6.25 kHz channels.
Ref: http://www.apco911.org/frequency/documents/700_NB_channel_centers.pd

Non-Federal 800 MHz National Mutual Aid Repeater Channels
Description Ch. Name Mobile RX (MHz)* Mobile TX (MHz)*
Calling 8CALL90 851.0125 (866.0125) 806.0125 (821.0125)
Calling – Direct 8CALL90D 851.0125 (866.0125) 851.0125 (866.0125)
Tactical 8TAC91 851.5125 (866.5125) 806.5125 (821.5125)
Tactical – Direct 8TAC91D 851.5125 (866.5125) 851.5125 (866.5125)
Tactical 8TAC92 852.0125 (867.0125) 807.0125 (822.0125)
Tactical – Direct 8TAC92D 852.0125 (867.0125) 852.0125 (867.0125)
Tactical 8TAC93 852.5125 (867.5125) 807.5125 (822.5125)
Tactical – Direct 8TAC93D 852.5125 (867.5125) 852.5125 (867.5125)
Tactical 8TAC94 853.0125 (868.0125) 808.0125 (823.0125)
Tactical – Direct 8TAC94D 853.0125 (868.0125) 853.0125 (868.0125)
Default operation should be carrier squelch receive, CTCSS 156.7(5A) transmit. If the user can enable/disable CTCSS without reprogramming the radio, the indicated CTCSS tone could also be programmed for receive, and the user instructed how and when to enable/disable. *The frequency in parenthesis, which is 15 MHz higher, is the frequency used before rebanding - channel names were ICALL, ITAC1 - ITAC4. Wideband FM 20K0F3E before and after rebanding.

Recommendations for Programming the Federal Interoperability Channels
1. If there is enough room in your radio, program all channels as analog and again
as digital channels. If not, program as follows:
a. Incident Response channels – all analog.
b. Law Enforcement channels – program all as P25 digital with NAC $68F except
LE A, LE 1, LE B, LE10, and LE 16 which are to be programmed analog with
Tx CTCSS 167.9 Hz (6Z) and no Rx CTCSS (carrier squelch, CSQ)

Digital P25 operations on non-Federal interoperability channels should transmit the
default Network Access Code (NAC) $293, and receive with NAC $F7E (accept any
incoming NAC). Specify talkgroup $FFFF, which includes everyone.
4. Default modes for using Federal Interoperability Channels: use analog for all
Incident Response channels and Law Enforcement channels LE A, LE 1, LE B, LE
10, and LE 16; use P25 Digital for the remaining LE channels, NAC $68F.
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