Last time I posted a weather facsimile was June 30 decoded with FLDigi. Now I have tried JWX 3.0. It is a Java based windows app and cross platform to linux. I am running it on Windows 10 22H2. JWX was last updated 11-20-2017 which version 3.0 is the newest. I have no knowledge of if it will be updated again. Apparently JWX 3.0 is still going strong. I am running the newest JAVA SE runtime 8.
Here is a couple of chart samples from this morning's decode run.
I have not calibrated JWX yet. I just wanted to find out how good of a decode I could get. I was well satisfied with the results. Much more readable then FLDigi at the same signal level. It makes decoding wefax alot more fun.
I understand how to set vertical calibration. I don't see where to adjust horizontal calibration. If anyone knows please speak up.
Here is a couple of chart samples from this morning's decode run.
I have not calibrated JWX yet. I just wanted to find out how good of a decode I could get. I was well satisfied with the results. Much more readable then FLDigi at the same signal level. It makes decoding wefax alot more fun.
I understand how to set vertical calibration. I don't see where to adjust horizontal calibration. If anyone knows please speak up.