Taking a trip down south and was going to do a little non-trunked scanning to go along with my trunked listening. I was wondering how much these systems were still in use in the above counties and to what extent? I remember when Intercity was used between agencies in Dade County to contact each other, but with everything trunked now is their a common talkgroup used instead (such as LE-CALL on the PBC TRS)? For example, if Boca PD wants to contact PBSO, are they using a trunked channel or the MA-CALL conventional repeater? How does Broward talk to Palm Beach, Broward to Miami-Dade?
Florida Mutual Aid Repeater (MA-CALL) 853.3875 PL 210.7
8CALL90 - 851.0125 PL 156.7
8TAC91 - 851.5125 PL 156.7
8TAC92 - 852.0125 PL 156.7
8TAC93 - 852.5125 PL 156.7
8TAC94 - 853.0125 PL 156.7
INTERCITY - 155.370 PL 103.5
Florida Mutual Aid Repeater (MA-CALL) 853.3875 PL 210.7
8CALL90 - 851.0125 PL 156.7
8TAC91 - 851.5125 PL 156.7
8TAC92 - 852.0125 PL 156.7
8TAC93 - 852.5125 PL 156.7
8TAC94 - 853.0125 PL 156.7
INTERCITY - 155.370 PL 103.5