If I remember where I saw the information about the 700mhz system I'll link it. It's been almost 20 years since I worked there. I moved back here 2 years ago after being gone for 13 and there are already things that have changed. When I worked for them it was 4 districts. Adam (NW), Baker (NE, my favorite), Charlie (south hill) and David (Downtown). The north and south side of town were split by the river. Adam units were 20's, Baker 30's, Charlie 40's and david 60's. They still use those unit designations with the exception they add a 1-4 in the beginning to determine shift. Baker 134 would be first shift, etc.. With the new police chief they are looking at changing the whole 'scheme' at the end of this year. The town will be split into 8 different sectors with officers working in teams of 16. 11 hour shifts, 8 teams per sector and they have every other day off. It will be interesting. I know the radio system they use now is 50 years old. Back in november the sheriff office and PD put a measure on the ballot to help fund the new radio system, but the tax payers turned it down. The information I saw said the feds were giving the area like 3 or 4 million to start building the towers. Next time you come through try giving a scan in the 160-174 fed range. There are 3 towers up and broadcasting (though not in use yet) for the DOJ IWN system. And if you look at 765.55625 you'll be able to pickup the Idaho system. Both those factors makes spokane a PRIME area to implement an eastern system of some kind. I even heard that it might reach as far as missoula (and their digital system). I will post more when I have more info.