Wired to radis and aux fuses! Could I go with bigger fuses?
Larger fuses are not going to solve this problem. You either have a loose connection feeding the scanner, or it's low voltage causing the scanner to do a reset.
This may take some serious hunting to find the problem. My first gut feeling is the alternator may not have enough guts to carry the plow hydraulic electric motor. This is a common problem with a low cost install. It may take going to a belt driven pump to resolve the issue or a much larger alternator.
I have seen this kind of electrical problem on many plow additions done to pickup trucks. The owners of the truck try to go the low cost route and find they start eating up their alternators.
Another issue is the ground between the batter and the frame of the vehicle. this is not heavy enough to carry the current of the hydraulic electric motor. Plus the ground between the engine metal and the body probably is not handling the current being pulled.
I would also do a load test on the alternator output by using a simple digital voltmeter. This test has been in many threads on here and I am not going to type it all again. Do a search for it and then do the test on your vehicle.
Right now there are more questions than answers for your problem. You will just have to start walking through all the possibilities and eliminate them one at a time.
But I will ask you to come back and let the group on here know what you did find that solved the problem.