A question about shortwave portables . . . Tecsun . . . are there real differences in the high-end models?


Active Member
Jun 1, 2020
Rensselaer County New York
I own the Tecsun PL880 and like it. I was looking at the descriptions of the 501x, 990, and 880, and all say something like "Analog high-IF AM circuitry plus triple conversion IF and modern DSP digital demodulation technology." Ditto for the newest model:" S-2200x is equipped with an analog high-IF circuit and DSP triple conversion decoding technology."

So I wondered: is there any substantive difference in the circuitry between the models? What I care about is the sheer electrical performance of the radios to receive AM and SSB signals, not features like dual speakers or MP3 players.

And, a second BONUS question: what's your favorite portable for copying SSB signals like ham and utilities?


Active Member
Jan 29, 2015
Central Indiana
The basic circuitary of the receivers you listed are the same, and you can also add the S-8800 to the list as well. The S-2200x is basically the same receiver as the 501x with a few differences that might be appealing to a hardcore DXer, such as continuous rf gain instead of local/distance switch, directional AM loop antenna, a genuine S meter. It also adds a VHF air band. As for your second question, I personally don’t use a portable for ham and utilities, but if I did it would be the Belka. Second choice is the 501, and third is the DX440/ Sanagean 803a. Normally I would rate the Grundig Satellit 800 after the Belka, but it really is a stretch to call a radio that is as large as a small suitcase a portable.



Apr 15, 2023
So I wondered: is there any substantive difference in the circuitry between the models? What I care about is the sheer electrical performance of the radios to receive AM and SSB signals, not features like dual speakers or MP3 players.

And, a second BONUS question: what's your favorite portable for copying SSB signals like ham and utilities?

In response to first question, I'm not knowledgeable about all the circuitry differences between the Tecsun models, but based on experience, I think the little PL-330 might be as good an SSB rig as any of the others, even though it costs a lot less.

Regarding your second question, I recently started a thread that might help. I compared a few portables to my desktop SSB receivers while listening to a ham conversation:
