AARL Grounding and Bonding Book...any good? Reader and scanner user friendly?


Land, waters, sky...an entire universe to monitor!
Premium Subscriber
Feb 26, 2022
DelMarVa Peninsula
Hello all.

I'm mapping out my long-term scanner radio setup (up to 7 scanners) w/associated antennas (likely 3-4 radio + 1 TV ATA roof antennas the latter to replace discontinued satellite service ) I'm starting to research the grounding requirements.

I'll be starting this piecemeal ONE antenna at a time, but hope to set it up right the first time with room for plug-and-playish capability to add each new antenna easily to the "system" i.e. one common mast ground wire connecting ALL the antenna to the basement? and/or multi outlet grounding blocks...

Is the AARL book "Grounding and Bonding" overly complex or complicated (professional-ish) OR is it easily understandable to the average radio user? I can pick this up nearby at Ham Radio Outlet. I've studied some online articles and illustrations & following the existing basement grounding wires (some to water pipes, some to the electrical box) so am starting to get a feel for this part of the project.

Doing this right and understanding will give me a head start when I study for my Ham Radio license as well.

Thanks for reviews for the AARL book.


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Land, waters, sky...an entire universe to monitor!
Premium Subscriber
Feb 26, 2022
DelMarVa Peninsula
I find it easier to understand than the NEC and more focused on ham installations than the Motorola R56 manual.
Don't know if this (just found) is a newer edition than my previous reference but it seems to have generally good Amazon reviews...might have just answered my own questions. I can self-fiddle with most things 'round the house but have been leery of all stuff electrical. Maybe time yo get over that. Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur: ARRL Inc, H Ward Silver N0AX: 9781625950659: Amazon.com: Books


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