Here in S.E.UK one facet of ACARS for me is logging the Ground Stations and seeing just how far is received, sporadic E helps at times. Identifying the SQ Uplinks is not too bad with regular ACARS as msgs look typically like this one of Dussedorf Germany - I have added spaces in the message line for clarity. This was on 131.725 MHz using Multipsk V4.28
31/03/15 18:03:36 UTC
Mode: x Identifier: Ack.: {NAK}
Message type: SQ
Message: 02XS DUS EDDL 05117N00646E V136975/
I'm now trying to make sense and identify SQ Uplinks on VDL2 traffic on 136.975 MHz. I receive many, many messages on this VDL2 channel like below. can anyone assist in what (I'm guessing) hexa "10919A" translates into in text and what a "typical" VDL2 Uplink looks like ?
04/04/15 00:01:28 UTC
Destination address (hexa): 10919A (Ground Station, delegated address)
Source address (hexa): 40622B (Aircraft airborne , command frame)
I (Information) frame N(R)=0 N(S)=0 P=0
ACARS message ("AOA")
Data (hexa): FFFF0132AEC7AD45DA54541551B03702D3B032C1D532B531C7CD83DA7C7F
Mode: 2 Identifier: G-EZTT Ack.: {NAK}
Message type: Q0 (Link Test) Block: 7
Message: S02AU251GM
Regards, Peter1066
31/03/15 18:03:36 UTC
Mode: x Identifier: Ack.: {NAK}
Message type: SQ
Message: 02XS DUS EDDL 05117N00646E V136975/
I'm now trying to make sense and identify SQ Uplinks on VDL2 traffic on 136.975 MHz. I receive many, many messages on this VDL2 channel like below. can anyone assist in what (I'm guessing) hexa "10919A" translates into in text and what a "typical" VDL2 Uplink looks like ?
04/04/15 00:01:28 UTC
Destination address (hexa): 10919A (Ground Station, delegated address)
Source address (hexa): 40622B (Aircraft airborne , command frame)
I (Information) frame N(R)=0 N(S)=0 P=0
ACARS message ("AOA")
Data (hexa): FFFF0132AEC7AD45DA54541551B03702D3B032C1D532B531C7CD83DA7C7F
Mode: 2 Identifier: G-EZTT Ack.: {NAK}
Message type: Q0 (Link Test) Block: 7
Message: S02AU251GM
Regards, Peter1066