additional CSP codes

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Jan 20, 2003
Within the last few months, CSP has begun adding some type of coding system when reporting certain offenses to the dispatcher.

Does anyone know how to interpret the codes?


Jan 20, 2003
An officer will typically cite a statute, ie speeding, and add to the statute a ;etter and a number, such as e19, g12, or some other combination of a letter and a number.

I assumed at first that the trooper was indicating the extent of the speeding, such as the number of miles over the limit or the particular speed limit the person was being cite for exceeding. However, the numbers dont make sense all of the time.


Jan 27, 2005
Typically each stop the Trooper will write the summons,once the stop is cleared you will hear them say infraction 218A code ie: A45 The letter represents the profile code the # signifies the age of the person stopped.

So to sum it up this is profiling codes.

Hope this answers your question.



Yea, they have to fill out these stupid "Racial Profiling Forms" for each stop that get submitted along with the rest of the paperwork. Someone somewhere in the captial seems to think it was a good idea. More like a waste of trees.


Jan 9, 2003
nmfire10 said:
Yea, they have to fill out these stupid "Racial Profiling Forms" for each stop that get submitted along with the rest of the paperwork. Someone somewhere in the captial seems to think it was a good idea. More like a waste of trees.

i am guessing you must not be a minority and thats why you find the forms "stupid". you have never been subjected to that kind of thing for something you cannot control. what if you got pulled over all the time because you were heavy or whatever...but that doesn't count really because a person can control how fat they are...usually.

yes, it pretty much is a waste...BUT, judging from most of ur posts, u are connected to law enforcement in some way (my guess would be a dispatcher, not an actual PO) you of all people should understand that its ALSO there to protect the eliminates any problems that may arise from an accusation of profiling. but i am certain you already knew that...right...yea right.


Of course, you know everything about me, what I do, and what my experiences are... just like the other people here who don't like my opinon and make **** up based on that. Blah blah blah. Another waste of bandwidth

But anyway, those forms accomplish nothing. They look good for some guy who charged with making an effort to reduce racial profiling. I'm quite sure they accomplish very little if not nothing, I'm not just saying that with no reasoning. If nothing else, it gives someone the buisness to print thousands of copies of them.


Jan 9, 2003
nmfire10 said:
Of course, you know everything about me, what I do, and what my experiences are... just like the other people here who don't like my opinon and make **** up based on that. Blah blah blah. Another waste of bandwidth

But anyway, those forms accomplish nothing. They look good for some guy who charged with making an effort to reduce racial profiling. I'm quite sure they accomplish very little if not nothing, I'm not just saying that with no reasoning. If nothing else, it gives someone the buisness to print thousands of copies of them.

i still bet i am right though...

i love reading ur posts on various boards. some of them are hilarious, some are just downright hysterical...and some are pathetic and sad. you do rip into people quite often and share your limited view on...well, everything...

to that i say SO WHAT!?!?

thats what these boards are for. people need to not be so defensive and stop taking themselves so seeeeeriously.


Apr 4, 2004

Ok... this profiling code/form thing is just another way for the idiots in Hartford to hang a cop. Except for the (rare) bad apple, no cop goes out of his way to selctively nail one race, nationality (how could you tell prior to a stop?) or whatever.

Lets see, you have a guy patrolling say, a "Chinatown" section of a city... what do you think THAT anti profile form would look like? or out in say, Chester or Killingworth, the form would be totally different...get my drift?

To "balance out" the form and save his ass, the cop is now forced to PROFILE for other races, nationalities... yep what did we just generate? ... a cop who didnt profile before...who is now FORCED to do it because some lamebrain idiot in Hartford (with absolutely NO clue about police work) is worried about his political butt.

The only ones I see who ***** about profiling are lawbreakers, politicians and ACLU clowns. (hmmm...)

If we would just let cops do their job, police work would be so much more efficient and just. Their training is so politically correct that they cannot but do the right thing. The bad apple, if any, will be rooted out.

"Antiprofiling" forms do not protect the cop... they are designed to provide a written record (ala hartford) that can be used against him.

And while we are at it, lets not diss the dispatchers. A cop on patrol is only as good as his dispatcher. Any good cop would admit to this.

(Nope I am not a dispatcher... couldnt survive the stress..)

There, I vented, and feel a WHOLE lot better!

Be careful out there, retirement aint all its cracked up to be!

Mike in Guilford
retired PO


Aug 23, 2002
And in addition to what Mike said, the legislator was all set to get rid of the requirement last year, but it was brought up right after the author of the orignal bill died...and certain people from the same area clamied all sorts of racism and bad taste and kept the law from coming off the books.

So much for a two year "study".

I personally know of two officer who had to be dragged thru the mud and all the stuff that comes along it due to these forms.

Like we know your a ________ man/woman at 2am on a dark road.


If you want to talk about trying to hang an officer, really read into the Statewide Pursuit Policy. Completely anti-cop unless your the CSP where they will do anything they want anyways.


Feed Provider
May 30, 2003
West Haven, CT
The famed Senator Penn, I remember it well. Statewide pursuit policies, P.O.'s having to defend the heck out of themselves on justified shoots even when CSP clears them. And before anyone jumps on me, let me just say, I am not law emforcement, althouogh as a medic, I do work side by side with them. Since everyone is quick to judge the PD on these issues, Mike, Matt, and PJH all probably know about the 2 cases I'm about to mention - not sure on the person who brought up Matt being a dispatcher and originally thought he may be PD. Here ya go - explain to me how a cop can have a suspect firing a shotgun at them behind an elementary school full of kids and not be justified in taking that suspect out. The family says they know this guy would have killed someone but the PD should have shot to wound him. and the 2nd case is a guy coming after PD with a knife and refusing to drop it after multiple times of being ordered to do so. the suspect still advances towards the officers and he shouldn't have been shot because even though he had multiple arrests for drugs and assaults, he had some type of mental disorder. (and this regarding his prior arrest was not published in the papersit was discovered by careful research which verified this person was one in the same). First, cops are taught to shoot for center mass or the trunk area of the body. They are taught to shoot to kill if the situation warrants it. Quite frankly, I have always said that if someone was coming at me with a knife or a gun and it was them or me, then by golly (did I just say by golly-aw gawd!) I'm sure gonna try to make sure it's them because I have an addiction to breathing and walking around on the face of this earth. And while I posted this in response to one of the previous posts, I want to point out that in the case of the shotgun incident, people tried to turn it into a race issue. I'm not sure about the others on this board but if you are shooting at me, I'm taking you out. I'm not gonna try and reason with you and I can care if you are white, black or purple (although if you are purple and have green blood I am going to sell that to the enquirer-lol). What I think people have lost sight of is that these men and women (PD) risk their asses, day in and day out, and at the end of their day, they deserve to go home, in one friggin piece. Yeah they made their choice in jobs, but the idiot who takes a shotgun or any other weapon and tries to take someone out made a choice too. Damn!!! Sorry all, I had to vent. The blatant disregard in this area has just got me so bent, I can't even begin to tell ya. If a suspect is fleeing, you can't chase them. If a suspect is shooting at you or trying to run you down with a car, hey, ya can't shoot em either. I have an idea - why don't we just make every cop including CSP start walking, highways, etc. and we can take away their guns too, heck we'll give them peashooters because they're non-lethal. The same people who are complaining about the shoots are the same ones thatrant and rave when a PO doesn't get to their house fast enough or their house get's robbed by one of these fools. It's like the idiot who doesn't pull over for a rig going RLS to a shoot or a code then they get home and it's a family member and they're like "What took you so long" I tell ya- Let the damn PD do their job and stop critisizing them for everything they do. Are their bad apples out there, of course there are- but there are more good guys out there than bad and not just in the PD - look our former Gov was a damned crook and is now where he deserves to be (thats a whole other story) but that doesn't mean everyone from him down was bad.

Let me end this by saying- To any cop, firefighter or fellow EMS worker reading this, You stay safe out there and remember YOU DO make a difference - every day.



Aug 23, 2002
Well said.

My good friend and coworker was on his way into work. Guy in front of him was all over the road and driving recklessly. Pulls into a parking lot with a fast food joint.

Cop gets out of his POV, identifies himself as a PO with a shield and sidearm.

Bad guy then guns the engine, aims the car towards cop, cop shoots, car hits cop, bad guy drives off.

The CSP and now the state JUST NOW clears him of any wrong doing...over a friggen year.

Had this been a trooper, it would have been over and done with within a month. Hell, they had a trooper DWI and kill himself on I95 and its page B19 in the Courant within 2 days. Gotta love it.

If people would put special intrest groups and whiners in the basement for once and do what is right, we wouldn't have half the crap to deal with. I feel sorry for the Hartford Police who has a gang banger as a city executive. Hard to run a police department when the mayor was...well, you can guess.


Retired LEO / EMT-P / Instructor
Premium Subscriber
Mar 7, 2005
Pinellas County FL
joetnymedic said:
Let the damn PD do their job and stop critisizing them for everything they do. Are their bad apples out there, of course there are- but there are more good guys out there than bad and not just in the PD.

Well said Joe, although it's sad to say, but many cops I know avoid getting involved. In many of the communities I happen to patrol I see it almost everyday, people who are suspicious of the police and actually believe we are the enemy.

For a few weeks post 9/11/01 people actually made me feel good about doing this thankless job, then it went back to normal. It's not just police either I have seen it in EMS and the FD to a lesser extent.

The real enemy of law enforcement I feel is the media, for their twisted stories and failure to find the facts.


afterimage84 said:
i still bet i am right though...

Eh, nope. But if it makes you feel better to think so, knock yourself out.

i love reading ur posts on various boards. some of them are hilarious, some are just downright hysterical...and some are pathetic and sad. you do rip into people quite often and share your limited view on...well, everything... to that i say SO WHAT!?!?

Once again, you assume you know everything about me, my views and where I get my information. I don't make this **** up like you and others do.

thats what these boards are for. people need to not be so defensive and stop taking themselves so seeeeeriously.

Right. Everyone is allowed to, just not me. I'll keep that in mind.
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