I would like to pickup scanning as a hobby, although Now I'm completely Confused. I would appreciate some additional recommendations on which brand and model of radio should I purchase. My first posting , several members recommended the Uniden SDS 100 or 200, although now I've found that the police channels in my area indeed are encrypted already. I thought ok, although they're most expensive, maybe they would still be my best buy for the long run..?
After looking into purchasing, I've had several different sales associates look up my counties and recommended I should give it another thought on these models to a less expensive model, Uniden or maybe Whistler, that the SDS models were overkill so to speak, for what I would be limited to??? My zip locations are FL. 32966 and NC. 28906. I just want a good durable and dependable up-to-date Desk/Mobile unit which would give me to most bang for the money for use in my locations. Thanks to all in advance on any further recommendations, I want to purchase asap.
After looking into purchasing, I've had several different sales associates look up my counties and recommended I should give it another thought on these models to a less expensive model, Uniden or maybe Whistler, that the SDS models were overkill so to speak, for what I would be limited to??? My zip locations are FL. 32966 and NC. 28906. I just want a good durable and dependable up-to-date Desk/Mobile unit which would give me to most bang for the money for use in my locations. Thanks to all in advance on any further recommendations, I want to purchase asap.