I don't know where everyone got the frequencies they are showing for the NPS and BLM. The information I have for Mojave National Preserve (that's right it is not a Park) is that it on 169.750 output and 166.775 input, with repeaters on Providence (110.9), Clark (123.0), and Christmas Tree (131.8). Direct is tone guarded with 110.9. and it is channel one with channels 2-4 being the repeaters as shown in the order above. The California Desert District of the BLM is still on 166.375. As far as I know the Desert District is not using 166.4875 anymore unless they have it programmed in to coordinate with the Bishop Field Office of the BLM, who still uses this frequency. They don't use it much as this unit of the BLM uses the Inyo National Forest, Forest Net almost all of the time.