Today, I came across multiple signals around 23MHz.. 2 of which were Gander and Santa Maria.. but the modulation was LSB not USB.. is that normal? I thought HF aero is only on USB? The Gander frequency is 23184 and the Santa Maria 22172. I'm also hearing selcals on 23217, 23250, and 23202 (all LSB) but i was not able to make out the voices. I received these at around 5am in the UK.
I heard an aircraft on 23202 with the callsign Turkish 904, I jumped on FR24, and the aircraft was over the Atlantic near Bermuda which makes 23202 New York Radio.
I heard an aircraft on 23202 with the callsign Turkish 904, I jumped on FR24, and the aircraft was over the Atlantic near Bermuda which makes 23202 New York Radio.
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