A little common sense goes a LONG way.
First off, I am not affiliated with AirEvac in any way, other than someone
who calls for their services. I do not sell to AirEvac, lease to AirEvac, or other
wise do business with AirEvac, nor do I see ever expect to do so. That said, I used
to sell to them, having designed their radio system, one of the first in the
country to use a VoIP system to connect their sites together across their
response area. At that time, Motorola told me at one of the dealer meetings
that they "Thought" they were going to be doing something with VoIP in the future. I
explained to them that we were already doing it.
That said,
In our little part of the world, and many others, AirEvac has been a godsend. Hospital
based services in little towns like ours, and most other areas they are based in do not
exist. Why? No money in it. Thats why you see the hospital based services
operating out of places like Tulsa and OKC, not Cushing, Pauls Valley, etc. That lowers
response times tremendously - instead of the bird having to come out of OKC to a crash
in Alma OK, they can come out of Pauls Valley. Much shorter response. Do the bigger birds fly quicker? Sure, but not quick enough to make up for the much shorter response.
Twin engines versus single engine? The FAA will tell you in a heartbeat that there is
NOTHING to show one is better than the other in terms of failure. Just because it is a
twin engine does NOT mean that it is redundant.
Crews? I have been on literally HUNDREDS of scenes with AirEvac personnel. I have NEVER had an issue with their people. They have always been helpful, NEVER pressured
to take the patient from the ground crews. NEVER. Ain't seen it. NEVER. They have ALWAYS asked the ground crew if they WANT them to take the patient. I suspect that a lot of the supposed complaints about this happening comes from ground crews that do not want to take the patient, but do not want to explain to their supervisors why.
Safety? AirEvac has problems from time to time. But, mile for mile, they have no more than the rest of the industry. Check it out. Read it again. MILE FOR MILE, they have no more mechanical issues or safety issues than others in the industry. Remember, they have over 60 birds, and local papers will report an issue they had at a base in eastern KY as if it happened in Beggs.
It is an emotional issue for sure. AirEvac comes into an area, many feel threatened thinking that it will cause the local EMS agency to cut hours back. (Hint - it hardly ever happens) Lots of people who apply for jobs with them don't get them, which leads to some disgruntled "experts". Lots of people like to pick at industry leaders. (Look at the people who always slam Motorola) Lots of people who work for their competition - right here on these forums in fact.
Bottom line for me, if I am in a crash or accident, and I need good care, and air transportation, I will take the first available service that has trained personnel.
BTW, if you want another interesting way to look at this, look at the number of
accidents that ground based units have! You may never want to ride in a ground ambulance!