Alamogordo/Otero county to go Digital Encrypted

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Sep 13, 2008
The city of Alamogordo, Tularosa, Cloudcroft, Ruidoso, all agencies within are slowly, quietly upgrading to go to a digital motorola setup with encrypted use for public safety/fire. Other agencies non public safety will go digital but remain open to digital scanners or equipment BUT with user ability to use secure talk or DES if needed. The county of Otero also is slowly quietly upgrading to a Digital Encrypted system for its Law Enforcement side however undetermined for the Fire side as there are fire pagers and other uses for fire freqs. Most will go digital however encrypted is still being debated for non law though it was mentioned maybe only encrypted use for secure talk only or disptach out/ or in, or secondary channels for car to car or restricted information. Though majority is wanting full DES transmissions as recent years scanners found there ways into criminals hands in Otero counter acting law enforcementwhich has been verified to happen.

All government repeaters are fully ready to go digital encrypted in the area. The state of NM is requiring ALL public safety agencies to go digital, not the FCC. The states communications regulation is doing this to ensure inter agency communications are possible. As you know wouldnt do 1 town good to be analog olny when its neighbor is digital. The digi side could hear both, but analog system couldnt hear but themselves.

It was well planned by all agencies in NM and look through carefully.

As for other areas ouside Otero Idk when there time table is. But FYI heads up to those planning to spend big for scanners, hammies in listed areas above.

Yes hard to seem that this little community is going high tech but it is and came sooner then most ever thought. As many know all of Motorola's line is required by Homeland Security to meet the APCO25/P25 standards that are sold to local/state/ governments. Meaning all come standard with forms of digital/analog/encryption capabilities and believe you me, if its in the device, they plan to use it for whats it worth sicne they have to get it. Most even within those depts dont know of the specs yet. This isnt the early era where it was a agency decision what radio they got or type. Its all state controlled, and fed guidelined now. Yes, they can afford it.

I can also tell you the new equipment is theft preventable (i.e. radio stolen or lost a signal continiously goes to it till it sends a kill confirm back to system that the radio is now a door stop and locked from any use and is erased over the air), the new equipment is software locked and crypto keyed to prevent its users or others from reading any information form them to buy personal equip, alogn with repeater access radio id numbers per device to stop unwanted devices from communicating to the agency. Basically, the volunteers will have to stick with what is issued and cannot read a device to go off and buy there own and do there own tech work... NO no user owned equipment will be authorized, it has been discussed and decided by top heads. Basically, your a user in the agency, but not the IT for it. therefore your not cleared to know the data within devices. How its become. Big wake up for the open vol agency users within who for the past 20 years bought there own or monkeyed with the providers data.

As all know, everyone is required to go to the 12.5 step per federal guidelines. However digital is a choice regulated by the state of NM, not the FCC.

I cannot say more as the rest is restricted but thought Id give a nice heads up. All I can say more is the switch will occur when everyone is ready (meaning police/fire in area only, not ham users, not joe public etc) and when the chosen date arrives. Some systems will be online before others and others taking longer before noticed by scanner users.

It is also in works for county to use silent disptach by gps/latop communications to officer to officer/dispatch later. The city is already using and ready to fully go on this type of silent dispatching with gps.

Another talk is later in time, Otero County/Alamogordo will in the distant future look at going 800/900 tri trunked with the full bottle digi encryption. But thats another game in the works when county 911 systems are merged with local 911. Included would be cloudcroft, Tularosa in the setup. But it was mentioned if the trouble of upgrading then comes, why not go pro voice such as alb/bernallilo did. But its another ball game to come later.

Just a little information for you. Yes you can listen fine now or all may seem normal, but believe me, first hand-hands on, its coming.


DataBase Administrator
Dec 8, 2002
Some questions came to mind from your post....

ll government repeaters are fully ready to go digital encrypted in the area.
Repeaters normally do not encrypt, the radios themselves do it.

The state of NM is requiring ALL public safety agencies to go digital, not the FCC.
Do you have any documentation that shows this?

The states communications regulation is doing this to ensure inter agency communications are possible.
Just because a system is "digital," has nothing to do with interoperability. There are several methods to make this happen.

I can also tell you the new equipment is theft preventable (i.e. radio stolen or lost a signal continiously goes to it till it sends a kill confirm back to system that the radio is now a door stop and locked from any use and is erased over the air), the new equipment is software locked and crypto keyed to prevent its users or others from reading any information form them to buy personal equip, alogn with repeater access radio id numbers per device to stop unwanted devices from communicating to the agency.
Theft preventable or theft deterrent? Yes, there are several way to kill a radio if it is stolen, but I can say I have seen radios that have all of these systems by-passed and been turned into scanners, or been used on systems.


Feb 24, 2001
i agree with this user. they do plan to go digital in the local entities. for the time being itll be on digi and analog. its been debated here if they should just keep it both. for the time being i know alamogordo will have to stay on analog and digital because the local vol fire men for city use older moto pagers and they dont plan upgrade those within 2 years. i know the city there has xts/xtls and will go encrypted as soon as they have everything up to date which it nearly is. from what i seen, the tac channels, ch 4 and American Medical Response medic paging will go encrypted. CH 1 will remain open but encryption will be used for silent calls, or at will need per rach officer or dispatcher. all the police units and patrol cars are updated with it all minus the fire trucks and fire operators. but a comment i overheard was "why does fire need to monitor police activity anyway" so idk if there going to just re program there old HTs with the bandsplit 12.5 or give them new radios. so far looks like they use old radios capable of the 12.5 split. they also have 2 800 mhz freqs now for the terminal laptops in local units. listed below. they plan to use them for dispatching and traffic stop returns later on after 2012 i been told. they currently just use for traffic stop checks to clear up channel 1.

i know too the otero county sheriff plans to get mobile terminals within the next 4 years to do the same for the flats. idk about the mountain areas though but im sure they will.

they also plan to outfit the chaparraltown otero county sheriff units later on with el paso county radio (till the el paso sheriff moves over the to cities 800 system) in each and one xtl mobile in each to monitor el paso police 800 trunked since the otero county sits on the edge of el paso texas city limit at the state line. told dona ana also will do same since part of chaparral sits in otero and dona ana and both counties police it on either side or lately el paso sheriff texas will assist if needed at the state line.

Alamogordo DPS 800 Mhz mobile unit laptop freqs:

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Premium Subscriber
May 11, 2007
DFW Texas
Howdy all:

I will be making a trip back to the Cloudcroft area later year-next and wondering if you might have some recommended freq's to plug in? I will also be going up to Sunspot to see the site (was there in ~1965 when USAF was owner) and will also try to pick up Holloman AFB as well...I have reviewed the RR Database, but looking for freq's (including Ham) that have a decent amount of traffic...any recommendations apprciated.


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