Trust me, ignore the 6D31 system. That's the old analog system, which has little to no public safety traffic on it.
I haven't been in Albany in weeks, but during Thanksgiving the digital system worked well.
(Watch the cross-postings, the moderators don't like that. You'll get more help here in the Georgia forum.)
According to my notes, the control channels (what you are hearing) are accurate and should direct the scanner to the correct voice frequencies. I use UniTrunker to monitor the trunked systems, from time to time, to help discover new sites, talkgroups, and users. During Thanksgiving, I spent some time listening to the Albany digital system and it decoded fine. Now, I am using my GRE PSR-500 and cannot help you directly with the Home Patrol scanner.
One option would be to check with the local amateur radio club. They are a great bunch of folks and know a ton about scanners and radios in general. I know those folks, as I was once a member. The meetings are free and open to the public. See more details here:
AARC Home Page
The next meeting is their annual holiday dinner meeting and officer elections on December 20th. They have monthly meetings restarting in January, so that would be a place for you to start.
Another option would be to purchase/download some programming software and tweak the settings for that trunked radio system. Again, I don't own a HP-1. The wiki shows some ... see here:
HomePatrol-1 - The RadioReference Wiki
Otherwise, I would be happy to help you in-person, but I am not sure when I'll be in the area again. Likely, Christmas......