167.9800 encrypted P25
166.2250 "
166.2500 clear
both all day in capital district ALbany NY
no clue on the net on these two.
thanks in advance.
I67.9800 I don't think is a bleed over. Its load and clear p25.
As for 167.9750 I've seen listed as DHS-CBP, DOE, and FEMA. Problem is I don't get NACs on my radio.
I got TSA on 172.9000 over there too in case anyone cares.
172.9000 R / 169.3000 $001 for Albany.
Nothing found for Analog [some are using Icoms with Speech Inversion Scramblers] and Nothing found for Simplex Operations on other TSA Channels for the Milli-meter Scanner Ops [Anyone know if they have them at Albany yet ? and which Version]