Alberta Substainable Resources Radio Freqs.

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Aug 3, 2008
Does anyone have a list of operation radio frequencies for Alberta Sustainable Resource Dept. Looking for primarily fire operations freqs. for Calgary areas,but looking for province wide frequencies. Checked the database has air operations freqs. only.Thanks!


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
Look under "Alberta FireNet". F&W, COs, Forestry, and quite a few other users work on that system.

If you can provide tones, channel numbers, or location names in the places where they are not filled in, please do so.

Alberta Forest Service Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference

In Calgary area, 107, 109, and 112 are used heavily. 109 is the Forestry side of the Moose Mountain tower site, and 129 is "everyone else" (conservation officers, protective services, etc).

The air ops stuff does get hot when the fire season starts to pick up. Even when there's no fires, the crews do regular practice runs.

Haven't seen any aircraft at Springbank CYBW yet (that's a fire base for bombers now), but they should move in fairly soon.
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Premium Subscriber
Jun 6, 2005
Nothing much to add

Just have to agree with Jay911 posts. The 129 seemed to be more active over the fall/winter than during the summer. And usually up to midnight and starting around 0600 to 0800 hours. I haven't been out west of Calgary for a couple of years, so have just heard the frequencies in Calgary. West edge of Calgary, is of course, better.


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
Stopped by YBW today - no aircraft there yet. I went by Calgary Firebase off Bearspaw Dam Road and there's plenty of staff working there - but again no aircraft.

Saw two HAC (helicopter attack crew) teams driving around Bragg Creek today. So it's pretty much a safe bet IMO that Elbow Firebase is operational.

129 is busy because it is the main channel for chatter in the Elbow part of Kananaskis, for conservation officers (park rangers) dealing with the campgrounds, fish & wildlife, and etc.


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
Got some more to report..

The Air Tanker Base at Springbank isn't operational yet but could be any time soon.

There is one helicopter and one team at Elbow Firebase right now, and there will be more as the season progresses. This year's fire season is going to be pretty intense from all indicators.

I have some new frequencies I've discovered too, primarily in my home area near the Elbow Firebase but should be able to be heard for a distance (being situated most likely on Moose Mountain).

There are two pairs that have been previously identified as "unknown Firenet channels" from other areas. These are now in use in the Elbow. One is 152.69/157.95 with a PL of 173.8, and the other is 152.495/157.755 with a PL of 162.2. I'm not sure which is the repeater output - I plan to have that figured out soon. EDIT: The lower freq in each pair is the repeater output.

Fireline 5 (151.115) was noted when I was in close proximity to the Firebase, probably as a chat channel. I should mention I didn't find a PL tone when I was searching, but it was a short transmission so I may not have picked up the tone.

Also of interest in the area, I picked up 157.55 with a PL of 88.5. On this frequency were staff talking about maintaining campgrounds. There's no license for this frequency, but Bow Valley Campgrounds in the Seebe area is licensed to 157.545, so I'm presuming they're using their radios down in the Elbow. (This was definitely not skip from Seebe.)
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Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
The 151.115 reported above is actually Fireline channel 38 with a tone of 88.5.

Caught 152.66 PL 173.8 at the intersection of Hwys 1 x 22 tonight. This is half of a repeater on Barrier Ridge (south end of west Kananaskis), with the other half on 157.92.

Still working on identifying the channel numbers for these new repeaters. One possibility is that they may be "200 series" channels, which Forestry is rumored to be using now for their fire protection teams.

Anyone got any comms for the Paul First Nation fires ongoing? Tankers and ground crews are working the fire (west of Edmonton). Hope the two injuries reported aren't too severe.


Feb 24, 2001
Anyone got any comms for the Paul First Nation fires ongoing? Tankers and ground crews are working the fire (west of Edmonton). Hope the two injuries reported aren't too severe.
Heard bits and pieces just as the water bombers arrived on scene. Sounded like there is a coordination issue, Water bombers were confused who was calling the fire line.
There was mention of couple of Native Canadians falling out the back of half-ton truck, just minor bruising


Premium Subscriber
Dec 14, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
Just before Christmas a contact told me that the Edmonton based Forestry radio shop was busy installing the new XJ repeaters across Alberta. These could also be the 2000 series Jay mentioned. I was told this goes way back to when these were used for VHF telephone service and each channel has a designator like XJ. I see most call letters also start with XJ.

I have heard the Stony Plain repeater 152.495/157.755 but so far it's only being used by truckers bootlegging on it. Will try it again today as the heat and wind should get things fired up again at the Paul Band. So far the Stony Plain RCMP B5 repeater has been the best to monitor. County of Parkland has been refusing to enter the reserve.



Premium Subscriber
Dec 14, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
The main reason seems to be that the reserves involved do not have mutual aid arrangements with the surrounding areas. The counties want to help but have been told it's a liability issue if they assist.

Enoch pays Edmonton Fire about a million dollars a year to have EFR cover the Enoch Cree resort and Casino but not the rest of the reserve. Enoch used to pay Parkland County to base a paramedic unit at the resort then changed the coverage to Edmonton EMS. AHS still has PRU 5 based at the casino and on the Edmonton EDACS system.


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
Also, FYI, those of you trying to hear traffic on such repeaters, try listening just after 1000 and 1500 (10am and 3pm). SRD delivers AM and PM weather forecasts (specific to the forest fire concerns, but still, interesting listening) during this time, consisting of several long (~45-60 second) transmissions. They're several transmissions because the fire protection division officer delivering them breaks them up so that if someone else has important traffic, they can get in to the repeater. I don't know how many repeaters they're broadcast on, i.e. all of them/select few/etc., but South (Calgary) does it at the times specified above.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 6, 2005
Have heard this weather broadcast on various frequencies listed in the Database. Haven't heard anything yet this year, but then again, haven't really been listening. Used to hear it up on one of the 415-416 frequencies but not in the last few years [since MDRS went away]. I must say, their weather reports are generally more accurate than what I hear on local TV and radio. Although forestry weather is for the Parks, it does give trends that can be expected over a couple of days. They do "break" as Jay911 says. Which is the proper use of "break" unlike using it on amateur radio to break into a conversation. Because the do "break" their report, I'm usually scanning so often miss the reports. Thus, find a frequency that they seem to use and sit on it during the times above.


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
Moving my base scanner to a higher location has allowed me to find some of the "new" 200-series FireNet channels.

I'll repost all I have in my scanner in case I haven't mentioned them before, but I think some of this will be duplicate of stuff I've said above.

202 Moose Mountain 152.495 CTCSS 162.2
207 Tent Ridge 162.57 CTCSS ?
209 Mt Kidd 152.6 CTCSS 162.2
213 Carbondale 152.66 CTCSS ?
220 Livingstone 152.525 CTCSS ?
222 Mockingbird 152.555 CTCSS 173.8
225 Blue Hill 152.585 CTCSS 173.8
227 Junction 152.63 CTCSS ?
228 Raspberry Ridge 152.645 CTCSS ?
229 Barrier 152.66 CTCSS 173.8
231 Moose Mountain 152.69 CTCSS 173.8
237 Tombstone 152.54 CTCSS 186.2
238 Lys Ridge 152.555 CTCSS ?
242 Porcupine 152.615 CTCSS ?
246 Mt Indefatigable 152.675 CTCSS ?
248 Hailstone Butte 152.705 CTCSS ?

Knowing how the CTCSS tones have been historically arranged, it's probably not a difficult task to guess what the tones should be for some of those channels, either. I just haven't bothered to do it.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 14, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
Excellent report Jay, just shows how far behind I am in following this developing system. But so far in Edmonton I can only hear Stony Plain which is used mostly by bootleg truckers.

The system was explained to me as an XJ system because most of these repeater channels were being held by Industry Canada from the old VHF telephone system which had channels called XJ ect. Most of the new call letters are in the area of XJT 531-639 and there are some exceptions. They use three tones 162.2, 173.8 and 186.3 like the fireline Simplex series. They use both UHF links and links on 14000.00 and 11700.00 which come up as out of band on my 996XT.

The frequencies are 152.480, 152.495, 152.510, 152.525, 152.540, 155.555, 152.570, 152.585, 152.600, 152.615, 152.630, 152.645, 152.660, 152.660, 152.675, 152.690, and 152.705. So at least 16 frequencies with 3 tones will give you about 48 channels 201-249. The frequencies are not numbered in frequency order but in the order they were licensed. 152.480 and 152.555 the newest.

This is an excellent example of a province wide system using recycled spectrum. One tech told me they got tired of waiting for the new province wide system to get repeaters so they went to work with IC to find VHF frequencies that were not being used. He says with new radios they can still add to the system and expand beyond the 16 frequencies to over 24 which could support province wide EDACS even in Calgary and Edmonton. Most of theirs being isolated would have to be SCAT but would still give lots of flexibility.

Channel 207 Tent Ridge should be 152.570.
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Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
Channel 207 Tent Ridge should be 152.570.

Yeah, typo caused by transcribing from the virtual scanner screen on FreeSCAN to the message post by hand, with the computer displays backlit by a southwest-facing window which lets me stare right into the sun. :\

Thanks for catching it.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 14, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
Hey I've done that before myself:) I'm just happy you posted such a good frequency/location list that caused me to ask some questions up here. You know when you've made a good post and captured someone's attention when they can find a typo. I had to edit my own post when I noticed a mistake.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 6, 2005
Time to reprogram

Yes, thanks to everyone for this posting. Did hear weather last week on 152.69. They were also talking about all the wildfires in the northern part of the province. Certainly, with all the rain in the south, not much fire activity that I have heard. Well, better go and reprogram the scanner with some of these frequencies.
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