I have one that I run mobile. The receiver is "ok". It depends on the application. The noise blanker is horrible. There are mods out there to turn it from horrible to "it sucks", but those require an ability to work with small surface mount components. I've done the mod, and still don't use the noise blanker. I use a noise canceling speaker to deal with the noise issues.
Running it in a fixed location where the noise blanker isn't so necessary and comparing it to other receivers, it rates as ok. It's not as good as the Mackay, it's better than the 30'ish year old TS-180S. I find the preamp useless unless I'm listening out of band on a detuned antenna. It just raises the noise floor.
Where it really shines is the simplicity of operation, the fact that it'll do 60 meters with the appropriate mods, and lots of memories - I plug the sub-band edges in so I can remember where I'm allowed to go (Advanced). It's not feature packed, but the features it does have are quite useful (except the damned noise blanker!).
I paid $400 for mine, and feel I got a good deal. Would I buy another? Yes, but not for a main base rig.