Computer Settings for Win7 | Win 10 Control Panel → Device Manager → view Hidden Devices (reveals Ports (Com & LPT) Expand to show the USB Serial Port (Com #) Right click and go to Properties → Port Setting Tab Bits per second: 1200 Data bits: 8 Parity: None Stop Bits: 1 Flow Control: None Go to Advanced ... button --> set COM Port Number: COM1 Select OK and exit the Control Panel.
Programming the MR8100 and testing connectivity Start DosBox Change the working directory to the MR8100 folder. Initiate the MR8100.exe >C: mr8100 If you press F7 you can change the default directory so that you are now working in a new file. Give it a new name like GardenGRV, so now you are working/editing a new file. To test connectivity, Hit F3 and you will either: A: a progress bar moving right to left indicating that the data retrieval from MR8100 B: a BEEP and a message “Radio link failed!”. If it’s BEEP Error Message, then there is an issue with the physical connections, com port setting in computer or DosBox config. If it’s the former then you will be able to use the keyboard and mouse to begin programming the Frequencies, Alpha Tags, Bank IDs and other settings into the MR8100. For the process of programming the MR8100 the .RFT file from SK Consultants will now come in handy.
This info is from member techynyc