296D Rebanded 3600 baud P25/Analog System
Okay, thanks for the update on the 296D Paul, you Da Man!
Got the new VUP and firmware update. The first time I tried it didn't work - the scanner display wouldn't blank out. The second time (with the batteries out) worked fine.
I've re-programmed (the wife's) radio on the systems she usually listens to. I'm listening to Northwest Central Dispatch out here in suburban Chicagoland. It's a dual mode - analog & P25 Motorola Type 2 system with a 3600 baud control channel.
It is working in both ID scan and search, but not quite as well as before. It's missing some transmissions, I'd guess maybe 15 or 20 percent more than what it missed before.
I've got an identical setup running on the desk with my 396 while testing. I can tell when the 296D is missing, the display begins to strobe between the normal control channel tracking display and ID activity display, but the squelch doesn't open.
Also - in order to really get the radio working at all on this system I have to use Control Channel only mode. If I don't it doesn't seem to be tracking at all.
I've tried every combination of settings I can think of, the only thing which makes a difference is turning the control channel only mode on/off.
Any hidden menus I should try dickering with?
So, a whole better than what I had before (nothing), but not exactly perfect. I do thank all the good folks at Uniden for the efforts with supporting this older radio, anyway. My wife loves her 296D.
Happy Scanning! - Ted