Analog or Digital for police and fire

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Feed Provider
May 22, 2011
Nashville, Illinois (Washington County)
When you look at a list of police frequencies for a certain county. How do you know which ones they use, still use, or went digital and / or stayed analog. I believe they should only put the frequencies they currently are using. I still have an analog scanner and all I want to know is what cities or towns police and rescue are still using their original analog frequency.



Feb 19, 2005
NE Wisconsin
You also can never assume that even though an agency began using digital that they will never use their old analog equipment as backup occasionally. That is why both analog and digital licenses may be listed for a particular agency. Many years ago my hometown where I was living switched to a statewide network. But they left the old analog radios in their squads and the officers began using the old analog talk around channels for car to car comms. I heard lots of juicy stuff by keeping those old channels programmed into my older scanners.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
You also can never assume that even though an agency began using digital that they will never use their old analog equipment as backup occasionally. That is why both analog and digital licenses may be listed for a particular agency. Many years ago my hometown where I was living switched to a statewide network. But they left the old analog radios in their squads and the officers began using the old analog talk around channels for car to car comms. I heard lots of juicy stuff by keeping those old channels programmed into my older scanners.
You can never tell and relying on your memory is good to do. A similar situation. I live right on the border of two states. Only the Delaware River separates me in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. I always listen to The Bridge Police and I live very close to the base of the bridge. They just went Phase 2 encrypted replacing their type II smartzone system. I always listen of course to channel 13 Marine as the ships would talk to the bridge for bridge openings and I would listen to the simplex 151 megahertz ancient secondary radio frequency that they use. They would often be more active on that frequency during bridge openings and car stops excetera. The dispatcher monitors both as the repair trucks and maintenance use that superior simplex system that has to be at least 60 years old.

Now that the Bridge Commission talkgroup is encrypted. I listen to that old frequency which they call... The old Channel and they prefer it because... It works better and sounds better lol. It's not in our database but listening for 35 years I know it.


Feb 19, 2005
NE Wisconsin
I have to admit I never added the old analog frequency to the RR database for my old hometown because I never wanted the officers to catch wind that just because dispatch couldn't hear them that didn't mean no one else was listening. 😉
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