It's that time of year again.. AACC Department of Public Safety is proud to host their annual Public Safety Exposition. Details as follows:
They had a really good showing last year, and if you haven't seen one of the MSP Dauphin helos up close, they almost always land one weather permitting. Also, the volunteer stations usually have some apparatus on display, and the PD usually has a couple of their special ops goodies on display too.
Unfortunately, I have to work so I'm going to end up missing most of it... I hope some of you will attend and I hope you won't be disappointed.
AACC said:May 6 -- 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Event, “AACC Public Safety Expo,” features law enforcement, fire and rescue groups. Rain or shine. Includes demonstrations, giveaways, refreshments and more; Siegert Field; AACC Arnold campus, 101 College parkway; free; 410-777-2440.
They had a really good showing last year, and if you haven't seen one of the MSP Dauphin helos up close, they almost always land one weather permitting. Also, the volunteer stations usually have some apparatus on display, and the PD usually has a couple of their special ops goodies on display too.
Unfortunately, I have to work so I'm going to end up missing most of it... I hope some of you will attend and I hope you won't be disappointed.