I've tried several "Antenna Tuners" AKA "Pre-Selectors" over the years with somewhat limited results. I eventually came upon, and have settled on, the TIMEWAVE ANC-4 device which actually probably does exactly what you are looking for. It isn't an "Antenna Tuner" / "Pe-selector" but instead uses a second antenna that it mixes with your primary antenna and allows one to `phase out' just about any, within reasonable limits, most of the annoying `noise' and competing signals in whatever bandspread you are listening to.
I do a fair amount of AM BCBD DXing along with some HF broadcasting DXing with my IC-R75s and since I got my ANC-4s I have managed to dig out a lot of the signals, that in the past I hadn't been able to, almost as clean and clear as if they were locals. Yes, there are still a fair number that I still find myself straining to hear but, my `go to' list of stations to listen to has easily gone up by at least a factor of 10 if not more.
I'll admit that at times one has to do some fairly serious `tweaking' and `twiddling' of both the receiver and the ANC-4 but, once one has everything fall into place the results can be fairly startling at times. 'Course there also be times when nothing seems to work and might lead to some fairly `crisp' `cursing', too.