just now across from where i live a 1089 aka burglary in progress happened also we called the fire department when our dryer caught fire and we called the cops on our neighbors for having a illegal burn
yep fd dispatch to my house for a smoke investigation and i was at my moms house herd it on the scannerderrek_lee_25 said:just now across from where i live a 1089 aka burglary in progress happened also we called the fire department when our dryer caught fire and we called the cops on our neighbors for having a illegal burn
n2mdk said:There have been a number of calls to this street and this building. Mostly they have been Fire/EMS calls for assistance or ambulance, but there have been domestic abuse, noise/loud party, magazine sales and one 10-200 smell of Marijuana calls. The 10-200 was in this building just upstairs from me, wasn't Marijuana was someone cooking Indian food. Still can't figure that one out :lol: